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Aqua Meds Products

When it comes to fish medications and natural beneficial pond bacterial treatments look no further than Aquameds. Our complete selection of Aqua-Meds pond treatments and antibiotics will help remedy flukes, fungus, parasites, bacterial issues, and other common diseases that can harm your fish population. We stock everything from Aqua-Medzyme, Aqua Prazi, to products like Clear Shine, Sludge Remover and Organic Control to help keep your pond clean and clear. Choosing the right medication or additive for your pond starts with Aqua Meds.

Aqua Meds Products
Aqua Meds Water Treatments

Find natural beneficial bacteria - liquid and dry, conditioners, chemical flocculants, and other water treatments here.

Aqua Meds Fish Care

Offering Aqua-Prazi for treating deadly flukes and Medzyme for reducing deadly waterborne bacteria.

All Aqua Meds Products

When it comes to fish medications and natural beneficial pond bacterial treatments look no further than Aquameds. Our complete selection of Aqua-Meds pond treatments and antibiotics will help remedy flukes, fungus, parasites, bacterial issues, and other common diseases that can harm your fish population. We stock everything from Aqua-Medzyme, Aqua Prazi to products like Clear Shine, Sludge Remover and Organic Control to help keep your pond clean and clear. Choosing the right medication or additive for your pond starts with Aqua Meds.

Our Most Popular Pond Aqua Meds Products

Reduce DEADLY Water Borne Bacteria in your pond.

Aqua MedZyme Dry reduces the deadly bacteria in your pond by starving them to death. These deadly bacteria live in every koi fish pond, causing life threatening bacterial infections attacking koi when they are stressed, causing thousands of fish deaths each year. Aqua MedZyme Dry consumes the same food that Aeromonas, Pseudsomonas live on and starves them to numbers so low they become harmless to your koi & pond fish.

  • Renders deadly ulcer causing Aeromonas, Pseudomonas harmless to your fish
  • Treats pond water as low as 40°F 
  • Great for early spring & late fall treatments
  • Can be stored at room temperature
  • Does NOT contain chemicals, antibiotics or medications
  • Safe for filters, plants, pets and wildlife
AquaMeds MedZyme Dry Concentrate Application Rates
Pond Size Dosage
100-2,500 gallons First Dose 1 Tbsp. (scoop) every three days for three treatments, then 1 Tbsp. each week for two weeks
Maintenance ONE HALF tablespoon every other week
2,501-5,000 gallons First Dose 1 Tbsp. (scoop) every three days for three treatments, then 1 Tbsp. each week for two weeks
5,001-10,000 gallons First Dose Double the dosage.
Maintenance ONE tablespoon every other week
Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate

Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb
125,000 gallons
2 lbs
250,000 gallons
24 lbs

Summer Blend is an excellent summer conditioner for your filter and pond! Summer Blend will improve the efficiency of your filter, regardless of its size, by aiding in reducing the heavy bio-load during the summer months. Plus, it will give your filter the boost it needs to keep your pond water non-toxic during those hot summer spikes of ammonia and nitrite, by removing excess ammonia and reducing fish waste. Keeps your pond water clear with its special blend of unique sludge eating microbes which are 100% Natural, NO harsh chemicals or medications.

  • Reduces heterotrophic bacteria that tend to clog bio-filters
  • Improves the health of your fish and helps stimulate their growth
  • Tested and proven in commercial situations with extreme environmental conditions.
  • One easy treatment every other week.

AquaMeds Summer Blend Application Rates
Pond Size Dosage
500-5,000 gallons First Dose 4 oz. Every other week for two treatments
Maintenance 3 oz. Every other week
5,001-10,000 gallons First Dose 8 oz. Every other week for two treatments
Maintenance 6 oz. Every other week
10,001-20,000 gallons First Dose 16 oz. Every other week for two treatments
Maintenance 12 oz. Every other week
Aqua Meds Summer Blend

Aqua Meds Summer Blend

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
32 Ounces
5,000 gallons for FIVE months
1 gallon
20,000 gallons for FIVE months

The NEXT generation of pond water clarifiers! 

New double strength Clear Shine treats three times as much pond water as other brands. Restores your pond water to a brilliant shine and increases the efficiency of your filter.

  • Removes tiny suspended cloud particles and organic debris
  • Most ponds will begin to clear within 24 hrs
  • Increases the efficiency of your mechanical filter
  • Even more effective when applied two days after treating with Aqua Meds Pond Support or Organic Control
Aqua Meds Clear Shine Application Rates
Add One Ounce of Clear Shine for every 2,000 gallons of pond water. Mix Clear Shine with one gallon of pond water BEFORE adding it to your pond.
Add to TOP of waterfall or in your skimmer. If a second treatment is needed, wait 24 hours before applying. For ponds over 8,000 gallons DO NOT add more than 4 ounces per treatment.
Aqua Meds Clear Shine

Aqua Meds Clear Shine

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
32,000 gallons
32 Ounces
64,000 gallons
1 gallon
256,000 gallons

Aqua Prazi, 100% Pure Praziquantel, No Fillers, No added Medications!

Aqua Prazi is one of the safest most effective medications on the market for treating deadly flukes; it does not stress your pond fish or set back your filter. Plus, Aqua Prazi is an excellent treatment for tape worms in goldfish, koi and pond fish. We suggest treating with Aqua Prazi every spring to get your pond fish off to a great season and again in the fall before their long winter's nap. Plus, treat all your new fish, very important!

  • No temperature restrictions
  • Contains no fillers or additional medications
  • Does not stress koi or set back your filter
  • The safest pond treatment for fluke parasites

Aqua Meds Aqua Prazi Application Rates
Start with a 10% pond water change or more. Remove carbon from your pond filter, DO NOT shut off filter. Shut off U.V. light only, for 24 to 48 hours, do not shut off water pump to U.V. Shut off protein skimmer.
One gram of Aqua Prazi treats 100 gallons, 10 grams treats 1,000 gallons. Add Aqua Prazi to one quart of pond water and shake vigorously for 3 to 5 minutes. Add this mixture to a 4 to 5 gallon bucket of pond water and mix well.
Two treatments work the best. The first treatment will kill all the live flukes. The second treatment, 3 days later will kill all the young as they hatch from their eggs.
No water changes for seven days from the first treatment.
Distribute the mixture around the edge of the koi pond or directly into the skimmer or filter outlet to achieve maximum distribution in the pond water. Do not use any other koi pond medications or treatments. FDA prohibits the use of this product on fish used for human consumption.
Note: One level tablespoon of Aqua Prazi for fish will treat approximately 500 gallons. Aqua Prazi is an excellent koi medication for treating flukes.
Aqua Meds Aqua Prazi

Aqua Meds Aqua Prazi

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
25 grams
2,500 gallons
50 grams
5,000 gallons
100 grams
10,000 gallons

Beneficial bacteria keeps your pond clean and your fish healthy!

Pond Support is a concentrate dry beneficial bacteria that removes bottom sludge and deadly hydrogen sulfide and its bad odor. Plus, Pond Support's unique slow release oxygen formula improves life supporting oxygen throughout your pond. Helps keep your pond clear and reduce phosphate levels and unwanted nutrients.

  • Removes toxins, promoting healthy and faster fish growth
  • Clears pond water nature's way
  • Dissolves organic sludge caused by bird droppings and fish waste
  • Stabilizes pH, adds life supporting carbonates
  • Stimulates the "beneficial bacteria" in your filter for peak performance
  • Reduces ammonia, nitrites and phosphates
  • Safe for pets, plants and wildlife
Application Rates
Initial DoseAdd 2 oz. per 1,000 gallons of pond water
MaintenanceAdd 1 oz. per 1,000 gallons of pond water every other week until the pond water temperature drops below 50°F
Some ponds may need treatments once per week until desired results are achieved.
If applicable, turn off U.V. for the first 48 hours after application.
Mix Pond Support with 1-2 gallons of pond water, stir vigorously and scatter across the surface of the pond or pour into the waterfall or skimmer basket or near the outlet of the filter. You want the product to circulate through the pond water.
Aqua Meds Pond Support

Aqua Meds Pond Support

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
2 lbs
32,000 gal (2,500 gal for 5+ months)
5 lbs
80,000 gal (6,000 gal for 6+ months)
24 lbs

Reduce DEADLY Water Borne Bacteria in your pond.

Aqua MedZyme permanently reduces ALL strains of deadly ulcer causing Aeromonas, Pseudomonas in your pond by starving them to death. These deadly bacteria live in every koi fish pond, causing life threatening bacterial infections such as ulcers, fin rot, tail rot and more. Attacking koi when they are stressed, causing thousands of fish deaths each year. Aqua MedZyme contains 760,000,000 yes, seven hundred and sixty million hungry beneficial bacteria per ml that eat the same food as Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, which starves them to levels so low they can not harm your fish.

  • Treats pond water as low as 40°F
  • Great for early spring and fall treatments
  • Does NOT contain chemicals, antibiotics or medications
  • 100% natural - safe for filters, plants, pets and wildlife
  • Formula has been tested extensively in koi ponds, commercial aquaculture applications, private veterinary laboratories and University Studies

Aqua Meds Aqua MedZyme Application Rates
Shake well before using. Turn off U.V. sterilizer during the first three treatments only. Add 4 tsp (20 ml) Aqua MedZyme per 1,000 gallons of pond water once every three days for 3 treatments. Next add 4 tsp (20 ml) Aqua MedZyme per 1,000 gallons of pond water once every week for two weeks.
Maintenance: Add 2 tsp (10 ml) Aqua MedZyme per 1,000 gallons of pond water once a week to maintain proper water quality.
Aqua Meds Aqua MedZyme Liquid

Aqua Meds Aqua MedZyme Liquid

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 gallon
384,000 gallons
16 Ounces
48,000 gallons
32 Ounces
96,000 gallons

Buff-it-Up will boost the KH (carbonate hardness) in your pond which will bring your pH to a safe level. Supports and helps grow the life saving beneficial bacteria in your pond filter, which require carbonates “KH” and a calcium source to flourish. Buff-it-Up is an excellent calcium source, is gentle, safe, and enhances the freshwater environment.

  • Increase KH and stabilize your pH, stopping deadly overnight pH crashes
  • Improves water clarity.
  • Raises carbonate hardness safely and maintains it for a longer perios
  • Does not enhance algae growth
  • Phosphate/caustic free
  • Boost your pH and KH to safe levels

Question: How much pond water will this product treat per pound? 

Answer: There is no set amount of Buff-it- Up that should be used for all ponds. It could take four cups or more of buffer for yours to hold the same pH. It is gentle, safe, and enhances the freshwater environment.

Koi Buff-It-Up Application Rates
Check your total alkalinity, if it is below 120 ppm, add one measuring cup of Buff-it-Up per 2,000 gallons of water, or one tablespoon per 125 gallons and recheck total alkalinity 2 hours later. An ideal total alkalinity would be 120-240 ppm.
Repeat dosage to achieve and maintain 120+ total alkalinity. Do not exceed 400 total alkalinity
Aqua Meds Buff-It-Up

Aqua Meds Buff-It-Up

  Icons SKU Size Treats
4 lbs
See Description
8 lbs
See Description
24 lbs
See Description

Professional strength, concentrated beneficial bacteria. Especially formulated for rock and gravel bottom ponds!

Accelerates the removal of organic bottom solids that are slow to degrade. As organic solids accumulate on the pond bottom, they begin to breakdown releasing toxic gasses. These gaseous by-products are a danger to fish and other pond inhabitants. Aqua Meds Sludge Remover helps remove toxic fish waste, left over food and deadly gases that build up under the rocks and in the gravel of your koi pond. A big cause of pond water and fish health problems

  • 100% NATURAL Pond Bacteria
  • Also works very well in ponds without gravel bottoms
  • Removes algae causing phosphorus
  • Reduces pond water odors and yellowing, improves water quality and clarity
  • Safe for pets, filters, plants and wildlife
Aqua Meds Sludge Remover Application Rate
For the 1st application of the season, mix 2 oz. of sludge remover per 1,000 gallons in a bucket with several gallons of pond water.
Disperse mixture into areas of the pond with adequate circulation.
Reapply 1 oz. per 1,000 gallons every two weeks.
Turn off U.V. sterilizer for 48 hours after application.
Maintain sufficient aeration during treatment.
Discontinue use when water temperature drops below 50°F
Aqua Meds Sludge Remover

Aqua Meds Sludge Remover

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb.
16,000 gal (2,000 gal for 4 months)
2 lbs
32,000 gal (3,000 gal for 5 months)
4 lbs
64,000 gal (6,000 gal for 5 months)
24 lbs

Instantly Removes Ammonia, Chlorine and Chloramines

Protects your fish from harsh chemicals added your tap water by your local water department. The chloramines in your tap water are made up of chlorine and ammonia. If you use a dechlorinator that only removes the chlorine, yes, it will destroy the chloramines, however, it will leave all the toxic ammonia in your pond water. DeChlor & More instantly removes ammonia, chlorine and chloramines.

  • Improves the efficiency of your filter by removing toxic ammonia
  • Compatible with all pond treatments
  • Eliminates ammonia from chloramine
  • Removes toxic ammonia
  • Will not harm your bio-filter
  • Very, very Economical
  • Safe for Pets, Plants and Wild Life
  • 1 oz. will remove 1ppm of total ammonia, 3.2ppm chloramines and 2ppm chlorine
Aqua Meds DeChlor & More Application Rates
One level scoop 1.5 oz (enclosed) treats 353 gallons
2 lbs. treats 7,530 gallons • 5 lbs. treats 18,825 gallons • 10 lbs. treats 37,650 gallons
Mix with 2-3 gallons of pond water, distribute evenly around pond. Dosage can be increased to remove greater amounts of ammonia.
Aqua Meds DeChlor & More

Aqua Meds DeChlor & More

  Icons SKU Size Treats
2 lbs
7,530 gallons
5 lbs
18,825 gallons
24 lbs
94,125 gallons

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