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All Fish Medications

The immune systems in fish can weaken from stress, environmental factors and poor nutrition, making them susceptible to common fish diseases. You'll find all the necessary treatments for these bacterial and parasitic diseases below. The majority of these diseases can be prevented with routine maintenance such as partial water changes, water testing, and of course population control.

All Fish Medications

Used For the Treatment of External and Internal Parasites, Flukes, Flatworms and Tapeworms

Praziquantel is known to be one of the safest most effective pond fish medications available for treating a vast array of external and internal parasites. It will not stress pond fish, damage filtration systems, or negatively affect the balance of your pond. One of the biggest advantages in large ponds is that water changes are not necessary and it only takes one treatment.

How much: 5 ml treats 25 gallons. 1 bottle treats 1,250 gallons.

How often: One dose per treatment, repeat after 7 days if necessary.

How to: Shake before use. Dilute liquid treatment in 1 gallon of pond water. Distribute evenly around the pond or add to an area with good circulation. Discontinue the use of UV clarifiers or chemical filtration, including use of carbon or zeolite. Ensure proper oxygenation during treatment.

Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment (Liquid)

Aquascape Praziquantel Treatment (Liquid)

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
1,250 gallons
Treatment for lice and anchor worms

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm is the most effective treatment for diseases of fish caused by lice and anchor worms. When used as directed, it will not harm biological filtration and may be used on scaleless fish. Can be used in any water temperatures above 40º F. Should be stored in the original container above 40ºF and under 100ºF. Do not store in direct sunlight and do not allow to freeze.

This product is intended for use with all ornamental pond fish. Not for use with fish or aquatic invertebrates intended for human consumption. Not for human or veterinary use.

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm Dosage
Add 1 ounce per 300 gallons of water (1 time weekly for 3 weeks)
Prior to the initial use, a partial water change of 20% is recommended. This removes pollutants for disease-causing organisms and will reduce the number of water-borne pathogens.
For best results, perform three treatments one week apart with water changes prior to each re-treatment.

Contraindications: Safe for use on all ornamental pond fish, reptiles, amphibians and mollusks. Must NOT be used where crayfish and other crustaceans are being cultured. Keep out of reach of children. Shake well before use.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
32 Ounces
9,600 gallons
1 gallon
38,400 gallons

Formulated with Malachite Green & Formalin. Use for disease caused by Ichthyophithirius (Ich), Chilodonella, Costia, Oodinium, Trichodina and fungal infections.

Microbe-Lift BSDT is the #1 treatment when you do not know what is bugging your fish, a preeminent broad spectrum malachite green and formalin treatment. The only malachite green and formalin treatment that can be used in water temperatures as low as 50°F, thus allowing treatment in early Spring and late Fall. 

Malachite green and formalin are two drugs that are more effective and less toxic in combination than when used individually. This is the definition of synergism. What makes Microbe-Lift BSDT the preeminent product in this field is the fact that it is formulated with malachite green chloride, instead of the more toxic oxalate salt. As with any malachite green and formalin treatment, do NOT use with other medications. Not to be used with salt over 0.15% salinity; at 0.15% salinity, monitor carefully and provide high aeration.

Microbe-Lift Broad Spectrum Disease Dosage
Pond Size (gallons) Dosage
Any Add 3.5 oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Prior to initial use and each of the 3 applications, at least a 20% water change should be made. A nearly total water change (>90%) will greatly improve effectiveness. Carbon Filtration must be removed and UV's turned off during treatment. You do not have to bypass your bio-filter. Do not overdose.
Treat once a day for 3 consecutive days. You do not need to do a water change after you finish the third treatment. After treatment, it is recommended to start using Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun and Parazoryne - this is a 10 day treatment to expel any parasites, bacteria, fungal, etc. and assists healing. 

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Broad Spectrum Disease Treatment

Microbe-Lift Broad Spectrum Disease Treatment

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
32 Ounces
9,600 gallons
1 gal
38,400 gallons

A unique, natural fish parasite repellant. Proven effective against bacterial dropsy, fungus and ulcers in fish. Expels pathogens from fish and stimulates its immune system response. Can speed up damaged tissue regeneration. Sabbactisun is made with plant and herbal extracts making it environmentally friendly. Supports immune system, driving off the excess parasites. Product is harmless to all nitrifying filter bacteria and aquatic plants.

  • 100% natural plant and herbal product
  • Non-toxic to animals and plants
  • Can be used during feeding
  • Does not adversely affect either nitrifying filter bacteria or beneficial bacteria 
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Sabbactisun and Parazoryne can be used 12 hours apart
Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun Dosage
Add 1 teaspoon per 125 gallons of water
Use daily for a minimum of 10 days. For best results, use when water temperature is at least 71°F (22°C)

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun

Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,182 gal for 10 days
32 Ounces
2,365 gal for 10 days
1 Gal
9,462 gal for 10 days
2.5 Gal
23,654 gal for 10 days

A unique, natural parasite repellant. Proven to work against skin flukes, gill flukes, white spots, Oodinium, Costia, Chilodonella and Trichodina.

Made with plant and herbal extracts making it environmentally friendly. Supports immune system, driving off the excess parasites. Product is harmless to all nitrifying filter bacteria and aquatic plants.


  • 100% natural plant and herbal product
  • Completely safe to use
  • Nontoxic to animals and plants
  • Product can be used during feeding
  • Does not adversely affect either nitrifying filter bacteria or beneficial bacteria additives
  • No significant reduction in the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
Microbe-Lift All Parazoryne Concentrate Dosage
Add 1 teaspoon per 125 gallons of water
Use daily for a minimum of 10 days. For best results, use when water temperature is at least 71°F (22°C)

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Parazoryne

Microbe-Lift Parazoryne

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,182 gal for 10 days
32 Ounces
2,365 gal for 10 days
1 Gal
9,462 gal for 10 days
2.5 Gal
23,654 gal for 10 days

Koi Treatment for Pond Parasites

Specially formulated treatment for salt resistant parasites and fungal disease! Terminate is formulated with Malachite Green and Formalin (MG&F). Terminate is very safe for treating costia, chilodonella, ich, oodinium and fungal infections.

  • Safe to use on "scaleless" koi.
  • Will not set back your filter.
  • Can be used in water temperatures as low as 50°F
  • Terminate has a much shorter treatment period than most MG&F treatments on the market.
  • Treat for 3 days and you're done, as compared to 9 days of most MG&F products.

Notes: Do NOT use salt or any other medicated treatments when using Terminate. Do NOT use with invertebrates. Can stain - wear protection.

Aqua Meds Terminate Application Rates
Add 3.5 oz (100 ml) of TERMINATE to every 1,000 gallons of pond water. Re-treat every 24 hours for 3 treatments with a minimum of a 25% water change prior to each re-treatment

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Aqua Meds Koi Terminate - For Fungal & Parasitic Control

Aqua Meds Koi Terminate - For Fungal & Parasitic Control

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
32 Ounces
3,200 gallons three times
1 gallon
12,800 gallons three times

Reduce DEADLY Water Borne Bacteria in your pond.

Aqua MedZyme permanently reduces ALL strains of deadly ulcer causing Aeromonas, Pseudomonas in your pond by starving them to death. These deadly bacteria live in every koi fish pond, causing life threatening bacterial infections such as ulcers, fin rot, tail rot and more. Attacking koi when they are stressed, causing thousands of fish deaths each year. Aqua MedZyme contains 760,000,000 yes, seven hundred and sixty million hungry beneficial bacteria per ml that eat the same food as Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, which starves them to levels so low they can not harm your fish.

  • Treats pond water as low as 40°F
  • Great for early spring and fall treatments
  • Does NOT contain chemicals, antibiotics or medications
  • 100% natural - safe for filters, plants, pets and wildlife
  • Formula has been tested extensively in koi ponds, commercial aquaculture applications, private veterinary laboratories and University Studies

Aqua Meds Aqua MedZyme Application Rates
Shake well before using. Turn off U.V. sterilizer during the first three treatments only. Add 4 tsp (20 ml) Aqua MedZyme per 1,000 gallons of pond water once every three days for 3 treatments. Next add 4 tsp (20 ml) Aqua MedZyme per 1,000 gallons of pond water once every week for two weeks.
Maintenance: Add 2 tsp (10 ml) Aqua MedZyme per 1,000 gallons of pond water once a week to maintain proper water quality.
Aqua Meds Aqua MedZyme Liquid

Aqua Meds Aqua MedZyme Liquid

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 gallon
384,000 gallons
16 Ounces
48,000 gallons
32 Ounces
96,000 gallons

Reduce DEADLY Water Borne Bacteria in your pond.

Aqua MedZyme Dry reduces the deadly bacteria in your pond by starving them to death. These deadly bacteria live in every koi fish pond, causing life threatening bacterial infections attacking koi when they are stressed, causing thousands of fish deaths each year. Aqua MedZyme Dry consumes the same food that Aeromonas, Pseudsomonas live on and starves them to numbers so low they become harmless to your koi & pond fish.

  • Renders deadly ulcer causing Aeromonas, Pseudomonas harmless to your fish
  • Treats pond water as low as 40°F 
  • Great for early spring & late fall treatments
  • Can be stored at room temperature
  • Does NOT contain chemicals, antibiotics or medications
  • Safe for filters, plants, pets and wildlife
AquaMeds MedZyme Dry Concentrate Application Rates
Pond Size Dosage
100-2,500 gallons First Dose 1 Tbsp. (scoop) every three days for three treatments, then 1 Tbsp. each week for two weeks
Maintenance ONE HALF tablespoon every other week
2,501-5,000 gallons First Dose 1 Tbsp. (scoop) every three days for three treatments, then 1 Tbsp. each week for two weeks
5,001-10,000 gallons First Dose Double the dosage.
Maintenance ONE tablespoon every other week
Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate

Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb
125,000 gallons
2 lbs
250,000 gallons
24 lbs

Aqua Prazi, 100% Pure Praziquantel, No Fillers, No added Medications!

Aqua Prazi is one of the safest most effective medications on the market for treating deadly flukes; it does not stress your pond fish or set back your filter. Plus, Aqua Prazi is an excellent treatment for tape worms in goldfish, koi and pond fish. We suggest treating with Aqua Prazi every spring to get your pond fish off to a great season and again in the fall before their long winter's nap. Plus, treat all your new fish, very important!

  • No temperature restrictions
  • Contains no fillers or additional medications
  • Does not stress koi or set back your filter
  • The safest pond treatment for fluke parasites

Aqua Meds Aqua Prazi Application Rates
Start with a 10% pond water change or more. Remove carbon from your pond filter, DO NOT shut off filter. Shut off U.V. light only, for 24 to 48 hours, do not shut off water pump to U.V. Shut off protein skimmer.
One gram of Aqua Prazi treats 100 gallons, 10 grams treats 1,000 gallons. Add Aqua Prazi to one quart of pond water and shake vigorously for 3 to 5 minutes. Add this mixture to a 4 to 5 gallon bucket of pond water and mix well.
Two treatments work the best. The first treatment will kill all the live flukes. The second treatment, 3 days later will kill all the young as they hatch from their eggs.
No water changes for seven days from the first treatment.
Distribute the mixture around the edge of the koi pond or directly into the skimmer or filter outlet to achieve maximum distribution in the pond water. Do not use any other koi pond medications or treatments. FDA prohibits the use of this product on fish used for human consumption.
Note: One level tablespoon of Aqua Prazi for fish will treat approximately 500 gallons. Aqua Prazi is an excellent koi medication for treating flukes.
Aqua Meds Aqua Prazi

Aqua Meds Aqua Prazi

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
25 grams
2,500 gallons
50 grams
5,000 gallons
100 grams
10,000 gallons

Antibacterial Remedy for Koi & Goldfish

API Pond Melafix acts as an all-natural, antibacterial remedy for koi and goldfish diseases, including eye cloud, mouth fungus, fin & tail rot, damaged fins, ulcers, and open wounds. Use if you notice these symptoms among fish in your pond, or when adding new fish. Pond Melafix is safe for snails and other invertebrates, and will not harm aquatic plants, affect pH, or adversely affect your pond’s natural biological filter. Can be used with Pimafix.

Pond Care Mela Fix Dosage
For Recent Wounds, Fin Damage, or Infection: Add 1 tsp. for every 50 gallons of pond water.
When treating an advanced or chronic infection: Add 2 tsp. for every 50 gallons of pond water.
Dose daily for 7 days. Treatment may be continued if necessary.
When adding new fish, or netting and handling fish: Add 1 tsp. for every 50 gallons of pond water, once per day for 3 days.
Foaming may occur during the treatment. When exposed to elevated temperatures, this product may turn cloudy in the bottle; this does not affect the activity of the product.

WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including beta-Myrcene, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.

API Pond Melafix

API Pond Melafix

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
64 Ounces
19,200 gallons

Antifungal Remedy for Koi & Goldfish

API Pond Pimafix contains an all-natural formula that rapidly treats fungal infections on the body and fins of your pond fish, in addition to treating internal and external bacterial infections. This product can be used in combination with Pond Melafix to enhance effectiveness against certain fish diseases. 

API Pond Pima Fix Dosage
For best results remove activated carbon and turn off UV and ozone-producing units during treatment.
Add 2 tsp. for every 50 gallons of water, or 1/4 cup for every 300 gallons of water. Dose daily for 7 days. Treatment may be continued if necessary.
Foaming may occur during the treatment. When exposed to elevated temperatures, this product may turn cloudy in the bottle; this does not affect the activity of the product.

WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including beta-Myrcene, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.

API Pond Pimafix

API Pond Pimafix

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
2,400 gallons
64 Ounces
9,600 gallons

Ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control unwanted parasites in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and highly effective this revolutionary product offers you rapid control yet will not negatively impact your biological filtration.

  • Treats flukes, tapeworms, flatworms, turbellarians
  • Extremely Safe and highly effeective
  • Will not negatively impact biological filtration
Pond Solutions PraziPro Application Rates
For treatment of prazi-quantel-susceptible disease conditions
Start treatment with a large water change or start with new water. Any water used should first be conditioned with ULTIMATE or a combination of ClorAm-x & Stress-X to remove ammonia, chlorine and chloramines.
Do not stop filtration, but remove activated carbon, stop protein skimming & turn off U.V.
Add 1 oz. per 120 gallons of pond water.
Distribute the proper amount around the edge of the pond or directly into the filter box to achieve the best overall distribution.
A single treatment lasting 5-7 days is normally sufficient. Retreat as necessary, but no more than once every 3-5 days.
May be used as a preventative, at the standard dosage, when disease is likely.
May cause noticeable temporary foaming
Hikari Pond Solutions PraziPro

Hikari Pond Solutions PraziPro

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
4 Ounces
480 gallons
16 Ounces
1,920 gallons
1 gal
15,360 gallons

CyroPro is a ready-to-use, liquid concentrate that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to control conditions caused by anchor worm and fish lice in their pond, freshwater or marine aquarium. Extremely safe and super effective this revolutionary product offers you rapid control yet will not negatively impact your biological filtration. 

  • Treats disease conditions caused by Anchor Worm
  • Treats disease conditions caused by Fish Lice
  • Highly effective and extremely safe when used as directed
  • Won't negatively impact biological filtration
Pond Solutions CyroPro Application Rates
Start treatment with a large water change (approximately 90%) or start with new water.
This treatment refreshes dissolved oxygen levels, removes pollutants and nutrients for disease-causing organisms and reduces the population of water-borne pathogens. Water should first be conditioned with ULTIMATE or a combination of ClorAm-x & Stress-X to remove ammonia, chlorine and chloramines.
Do not stop filtration, but remove activated carbon, stop protein skimming.
Measure CyroPro at the rate of 1 tsp. per 52 gallons or 1oz. per 312.5 gallons of water
Distribute the proper amount around the edge of the pond or directly into the filter box to achieve the best overall distribution.
Re-dose every 7 days for three continuous treatments.
The prescribed water change is required before each treatment.
Complete treatment will take 3 consecutive weeks. Any interruption in the treatment regime requires a restart. Do not use with any potassium permanganate treatments.
Hikari Pond Solutions Liquid CyroPro

Hikari Pond Solutions Liquid CyroPro

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
5,000 gallons
1 gallon
40,000 gallons

The World's First Aquatic Treatment For Lateral Line & Hole-In-The-Head Disease That Targets The Infected Areas & Includes A Skin-Slime Replacer To Speed Recovery!

Metro+ is a powdered formula that was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to treat lateral line and hole-in-the-head diseases suffered by their pond, freshwater or marine fishes. This revolutionary, extremely safe and super effective product offers you benefits no other similar medication can!

  • Works Systemically
  • Highly Effective
  • Targets The Infected Areas
  • Can Be Used As A Bath Or With Food
  • Slime-Coat Replacer Helps Speed External Recovery
  • Extremely Safe
Pond Solutions Metro+ Application Rates
Bath Treatment -As a bath treatment for external susceptible, microbial diseases of marine and freshwater aquarium and pond fishes (e.g. hole-in-the-head and lateral line), use 1 capful (9.7g) per 10 gallons of water. A partial or complete water change should be made just prior to beginning treatment and every 24 hours thereafter, followed by re-treatment. Any water used should first be conditioned with ULTIMATEA® or a combination of Liquid Buffered ClorAm-® and Stress-X to remove ammonia, chlorine and chloramines. Repeat the treatment every 24 hours for 5 to 7 days or until mortalities cease or healing of leasions occurs. If improvement is not noted within three (3) days, discontinue treatment and consider other therapy.
Oral Treatment - For systemic (internal) infections, Metro+ can be fed mixed with fish food.


Use Metro+ for treatment of hole-in-the-head or lateral line disease for freshwater, marine or pond fishes.


Avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid breathing powder or dust. Use in an area with minimal air movement to prevent blowing of powder or dust. In case of eye contact immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. In case of skin contact, wash with mild soap and plenty of warm water. This product is known to contain detectable amounts of a chemical or chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer/birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Because We Care:

Metro+ has been developed to offer assistance to aquarium or pond keepers who are encountering problems with diseases who are looking for a safe and effective treatment.

Hikari Pond Solutions Metro +

Hikari Pond Solutions Metro +

  SKU Size
2.2 lbs

Ich-X utilizes the most widely respected formulation for the treatment of ich, with a less toxic form of malachite green.

  • Treats Ich
  • Treats Cryptocaryonaisis
  • Treats Trichodiniasis
  • Treats Velvet (Gold Dust)
  • Treats Saprolegniasis
  • Uses A Less Harsh Form Of Malachite Green
Pond Solutions Ich-X Application Rates
Add 1 tsp. per 20 gallons of water
For best results - Always treat in a separate quarantine/treatment tank. Remove activated carbon from filters and clean or replace mechanical filtration media but do not stop filtration. Perform at least a 1/3 water change before treatment. Repeat treatments at least every 24 hours, but no more often than every 8 hours.
Immediate 50% or larger water change should be done if stress is observed among fish
Hikari Pond Solutions Ich-X

Hikari Pond Solutions Ich-X

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
4 Ounces
240 gallons
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
1 gallon
38,400 gallons

Used For the Treatment of External Protozoan Parasites Including, Freshwater / Saltwater Ich, Costia and Trichodenella

Common symptoms include fish quickly rubbing or flashing against surfaces within the pond. White spots that look like grains of salt or larger stuck to the surface of the fish. Common issues that should be avoided include water temperature fluctuation, poor water quality and/or fish stress. It is important to treat immediately after noticing the first signs of a parasite problem on your pond fish. 

How much: 5 ml treats 25 gallons.1 bottle treats 1,250 gallons.

How often: One dose, every other day. If symptoms persist after 3 doses, perform a 25% water change and repeat treatment. 

How to: Shake before use. Dilute liquid treatment in 1 gallon of pond water. Distribute evenly around the pond or add to an area with good circulation. Discontinue the use of UV clarifiers or chemical filtration, including use of carbon or zeolite. Ensure proper oxygenation during treatment. 

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment (Liquid)

Aquascape Parasite & Ich Treatment (Liquid)

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
1,250 gallons

Used For the Treatment of Fungus External Protozoan Parasites Including, Freshwater/Saltwater Ich, Costia and Trichodenella

Common symptoms include fish quickly rubbing or flashing against surfaces within the pond. White spots that look like grains of salt or larger stuck to the surface of the fish. Common issues that should be avoided include water temperature fluctuation, poor water quality and/or fish stress. It is important to treat immediately after noticing the first signs of a parasite problem on your pond fish. 

How much: 5 ml treats 25 gallons.1 bottle treats 1,250 gallons.

How often: One dose every other day. If symptoms persist after three doses, perform a 25% water change and repeat treatment.

How to: Dilute liquid treatment in 1 gallon of pond water. Distribute evenly around the pond or add to an area with good circulation. Discontinue the use of UV clarifiers or chemical filtration, including use of carbon or zeolite. Ensure proper oxygenation during treatment. 

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Aquascape Fungus Treatment (Liquid)

Aquascape Fungus Treatment (Liquid)

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
1,250 gallons

Used For the Treatment of Bacterial Infections, Fin Rot, Open Sores and Ulcers

Bacterial infections and ulcerations are primarily a secondary infection resulting from external damage caused by parasites, physical damage caused by improper netting or rough handling. Most disease problems or issues may possibly be linked back to poor water quality or introduction of sick or stressed fish. Before adding any medication to your pond or holding system, make sure and verify all water parameters and rectify any issues before treatment.

How much: 1 scoop treats 125 gallons. 1 container treats 4,875 gallons.

How often: One dose every other day. If symptoms persist after three doses, perform a 25% water change and repeat treatment.

How to: Dilute dry treatment in 1 gallon of pond water. Distribute evenly around the pond or add to an area with good circulation. Discontinue the use of UV clarifiers or chemical filtration, including use of carbon or zeolite. Ensure proper oxygenation during treatment.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

**Not for sale in California

Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Treatment (Dry)

Aquascape Ulcer & Bacterial Treatment (Dry)

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8.8 Ounces
4,875 gallons

Effective Anti-Parasite & Fungus Treatment

Eliminate is a powerful broad spectrum fish treatment; acting against fungus, bacteria and a wide range of parasites including Chilodonella, Costia and Trichodina. In addition to being an effective anti-parasite treatment, potassium permanganate can help with bacterial gill disease and skin ulcers. It will also oxidize organic matter and improve water quality and clarity.

Directions:  A water change of 25% or more before treatment will produce the best results. Bypass Biological filter and turn off UV light but increase circulation and aeration. Add 16 oz. of ELIMINATE to every 6,000 gallons of pond water. After treatment, the pond should have a pink hue for 4 hours. You can deactivate Eliminate with Aqua Meds DeTox-Plus or Aqua Meds Just Dechlor. Eliminate should be deactivated after 6 to 8 hours. It can be used with pond salt but should not be used with other medications. 

*Eliminate may stain everything it comes in contact with. Gloves and eye protection should be worn.

Aqua Meds Eliminate - Broad Spectrum Fish Treatment

Aqua Meds Eliminate - Broad Spectrum Fish Treatment

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
6,000 Gallons
32 Ounces
12,000 Gallons
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