Ich-X utilizes the most widely respected formulation for the treatment of ich, with a less toxic form of malachite green.
Pond Solutions Ich-X Application Rates | |
Add 1 tsp. per 20 gallons of water | |
For best results - Always treat in a separate quarantine/treatment tank. Remove activated carbon from filters and clean or replace mechanical filtration media but do not stop filtration. Perform at least a 1/3 water change before treatment. Repeat treatments at least every 24 hours, but no more often than every 8 hours. | |
Immediate 50% or larger water change should be done if stress is observed among fish |
SKU | Size | Treats (up to) | |
73214 |
4 Ounces |
240 gallons |
73336 |
16 Ounces |
4,800 gallons |
73338 |
1 gallon |
38,400 gallons |