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Water Conditioners & Dechlorinators

Instantly dechlorinate and detoxify your pond water. Dechlorinators and conditioner will remove and neutralize chlorine, destroy chloramines, and detoxify heavy metals making tap water safe for fish.

Water Conditioners & Dechlorinators

Aquascape Pond Detoxifier makes tap water into pond water. Because tap water including well water often contains chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals, that if left untreated can cause damage to the pond ecosystem. Aquascape Pond Detoxifier eliminates chlorine, chloramines, ammonia and chelates heavy metals making them safe for fish and plants and allowing for metals like iron to be used by pond plants as fertilizer.

Aquascape Pond Detoxifier Dosage
Add to the area of the pond with the most circulation. Use a full dose after performing a cleaning or large water change of more than 50%. Use a half dose when adding water to the pond or if adding, transporting, or netting fish.
One pump treats up to 100 gallons of water.
Use as needed
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier

Aquascape Pond Detoxifier

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
5,000 gallons
16 Ounces
10,000 gallons
1 gallon
80,000 gallons
1 gallon
96,000 gallons
32 Ounces
20,000 gallons

The Ultimate in Water Conditioning will instantly dechlorinate and detoxify your pond water! Super Dechlorinator + Water Conditioner will remove and neutralize chlorine, destroy chloramines, detoxify heavy metals.

  • Highly Concentrated removes Chlorine (up to 4mg/L total Chlorine)
  • Destroys chloramines
  • Detoxifies heavy metals
  • NEW - Formula Treats 4 X More Water!
Microbe-Lift Super Dechlorinator Plus Dosage
To condition water for new ponds - 1oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Before, after or during water additions - 1oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Before adding new aquatic or plant life - 1oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Super Dechlorinator Plus

Microbe-Lift Super Dechlorinator Plus

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
16,000 gallons
32 Ounces
32,000 gallons
1 gallon
128,000 gallons

Tap water conditioner Instantly detoxify and dechlorinate your pond water. Removes and neutralizes chlorine, destroys chloramines, and detoxifies heavy metals making pond water safe for fish and plants.

  • Concentrated formula
  • Removes chlorine and destroys chloramines
  • Detoxifies heavy metals and buffers pH

Application: Apply 1 fl. oz. per 1,000 gallons of pond water to remove 1 ppm chlorine. Apply 1 fl. oz. per 500 gallons to remove high concentrations of heavy metals from well or city water.

Webb's Water Gardens Tap Water Conditioner Dechlorinator

Webb's Water Gardens Tap Water Conditioner Dechlorinator

  Icons SKU 16 oz. (treats up to) 32 oz. (treats up to) 1 gal. (treats up to)
16,000 gallons
32,000 gallons
128,000 gallons

Water Conditioner Plus is one of the most concentrated comprehensive water conditioners available. Apply directly to new ponds or immediately after water changes to instantly dechlorinate and detoxify your pond water. Removes ammonia, chlorine, chloramines and detoxifies heavy metals. Adds essential electrolytes, enhances slime coat and reduces stress.

  • Removes ammonia, chlorine and destroys chloramines
  • Detoxifies heavy metals and buffers pH
  • Enhances slime coat and reduces stress

Application: Apply 1 fl. oz. per 60 gallons of water to remove 1 ppm ammonia. To remove chlorine and chloramines use 1 fl. oz. per 120 gallons of water. Repeat as needed

Webb’s Water Conditioner Plus is not a medication, chemotherapeutic agent or economic poison. This formulation is not compatible with strong oxidizing agents. Do not use with unchelated copper medications. Perform regular water changes to keep alkalinity (acid-neutralizing capacity) and pH stable. Do not use with permanganate-based or chlorite-based treatments.

Webb's Water Gardens Water Conditioner PLUS

Webb's Water Gardens Water Conditioner PLUS

  SKU 16 oz. (treats up to) 32 oz. (treats up to) 1 gal. (treats up to)
960 gallons
1,920 gallons
7,680 gallons

API Pond Aqua Essential is a highly concentrated all-in-one water conditioner that instantly makes tap water safe for fish by removing chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies heavy metals commonly found in tap water. It also removes toxic ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels in your pond. This unique formula binds with ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate rendering them non-toxic and allowing the biofilter to remove them more efficiently.

Use at pond start-up, whenever adding or changing water or when tested levels of ammonia, nitrates or nitrite are high. When adding, transporting, or quarantining fish, we recommend using API Pond Stress Coat water conditioner which is ideal for use with Pond Aqua Essential water conditioner.

  • Highly concentrated pond water conditioner
  • Instantly removes chlorine, chloramine, and detoxifies heavy metals
  • Detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates to restore a healthy aquatic environment

Instructions: Shake bottle well directly before use. Add 50 ml per 500 gallons of pond water to treat tap water. Add 50 ml per 100 gallons of pond water to remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. If after 7 days test results still show ammonia or nitrite, perform a partial water change.

API Pond Aqua Essential Water Conditioner

API Pond Aqua Essential Water Conditioner

  SKU 16 oz 32 oz 1 gal
Treats up to 4,730 U.S. Gallons
Treats up to 9,460 U.S. Gallons
Treats up to 37,840 U.S. Gallons

Instantly Removes Ammonia, Chlorine and Chloramines

Protects your fish from harsh chemicals added your tap water by your local water department. The chloramines in your tap water are made up of chlorine and ammonia. If you use a dechlorinator that only removes the chlorine, yes, it will destroy the chloramines, however, it will leave all the toxic ammonia in your pond water. DeChlor & More instantly removes ammonia, chlorine and chloramines.

  • Improves the efficiency of your filter by removing toxic ammonia
  • Compatible with all pond treatments
  • Eliminates ammonia from chloramine
  • Removes toxic ammonia
  • Will not harm your bio-filter
  • Very, very Economical
  • Safe for Pets, Plants and Wild Life
  • 1 oz. will remove 1ppm of total ammonia, 3.2ppm chloramines and 2ppm chlorine
Aqua Meds DeChlor & More Application Rates
One level scoop 1.5 oz (enclosed) treats 353 gallons
2 lbs. treats 7,530 gallons • 5 lbs. treats 18,825 gallons • 10 lbs. treats 37,650 gallons
Mix with 2-3 gallons of pond water, distribute evenly around pond. Dosage can be increased to remove greater amounts of ammonia.
Aqua Meds DeChlor & More

Aqua Meds DeChlor & More

  Icons SKU Size Treats
2 lbs
7,530 gallons
5 lbs
18,825 gallons
24 lbs
94,125 gallons

Protects, Restores and Heals Damaged Scales and Slime Coat

Aqua Meds ARMOR is an excellent product to use if the slime coat of your fish has been damaged caused by abrasions from rocks, netting, injecting or breeding activity. Helps protect the slime coat by forming a synthetic slime coat until the fish is able to rebuild its own. Fast acting protective coating with vitamin E promotes the healing of damaged scales, skin, fins and reduces stress.

  • Does not hinder fish's gills or breathing
  • Use anytime the fish are being handled
  • Removes chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals
Aqua Meds Armor Application Rates
Add two tablespoons (1 oz / 30 ml) for every 60 U.S. gallons (227 L) of pond water.
Aqua Meds Armor

Aqua Meds Armor

  Icons SKU Size Treats (up to)
32 Ounces
1,920 gallons
1 gallon
7,680 gallons

Aqua Xtreme is a convenient liquid, single-phase, full-function water conditioner that has been scientifically formulated for use in koi and goldfish ponds. Product should be used when: conditioning new water for ponds; adding (or prior to adding) water, new fish or plants to ponds; and transporting koi or goldfish. It is very important to use Aqua Xtreme when adding water to a pond that contains chloramines. Conventional dechlorinators will detoxify the chlorine in the chloramines but do nothing to the ammonia released from the chloramines. Aqua Xtreme will detoxify both the chlorine and the ammonia in chloramines.

  • Detoxifies Nitrite
  • Removes & Detoxifies Chlorine & Ammonia
  • Destroys Chloramines
  • Detoxifies Copper & Heavy Metals
  • Boosts Alkalinity
  • Adds Essential Electrolytes
  • Adds a 3-part Slime Coat Replacement
  • Helps to Reduce Stress
  • Instantly Ages Pond Water
Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 60 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme Water Conditioner

Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme Water Conditioner

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
960 gallons
32 Ounces
1,920 gallons
1 gallon
7,680 gallons

Essential for Nitrification

When pond carbonate levels fall below the necessary level, nitrification stops and will fail to start again. With the loss of KH (carbonate alkalinity) pH levels will vary and pH will be difficult to control as KH stabilizes pond pH.

Use for: tap water, tank water, change water

  • 2 lbs – approx 49 scoops
  • 8 lbs – approx 196 scoops
  • 20 lbs – approx 490 scoops
  • 50 lbs – approx 1225 scoops


To raise KH in 4,000 gal pond, wanting to keep the KH level above 80 ppm:

To raise by 25 ppm→ add 40 scoops

To raise by 50 ppm→ add 80 scoops

To raise by 80 ppm (in pond that has crashed)→ add 133 scoops

(Ideal KH level in a pond is 100-300 ppm, with the higher the better, especially in heavily stocked ponds and lined ponds)

Microbe-Lift KH-Carbonate Alkalinity Booster Dosage
A full flat level scoop (enclosed, holds 1 tbsp) will raise the KH by approximately:80/ppm in 30 gallons 50/ppm in 50 gallons 25/ppm in 100 gallons
Microbe-Lift KH-Carbonate Alkalinity Booster

Microbe-Lift KH-Carbonate Alkalinity Booster

  SKU Size
2 lbs
8 lbs
20 lbs
50 lbs

Neutralizes Toxic Ammonia, Chloramine & Chlorine

  • Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover gives beneficial bacteria time to multiply and recover if the biological filter gets damaged, keeping pond fish from being stressed.
  • Every ounce removes 1.25 ppm of toxic ammonia in 360 gal. of pond water by forming an irreversible complex to reduce free ammonia to safe levels
  • May be used at startup, when making water changes, replacing lost water due to evaporation or when your pond is overstocked with too many fish
  • Neutralizes residual chlorine and destroys deadly chloramine
  • Treats ammonia burn in pond fish
  • Safe for use with all pond fish and aquatic life
Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover Dosage
Pond Size Dosage
Any Add 1 teaspoon per 60 gallons of water OR 1 oz. per 360 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover

Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
5,760 gallons
32 oz
11,520 gallons
1 gallon
46,080 gallons

MICROBE-LIFT/Dry Ammonia Remover uses a patented process that removes chlorine, destroys chloramines and completely eliminates the ammonia that is left behind when the chloramine bond is broken.

  • Ship live animals without toxic ammonia problems for 72+ hours
  • Can be combined with antibiotics and anesthetics
  • Completely safe for biofilters
  • Tested with shrimp, shellfish, aquatic invertebrates
  • 1 oz. will remove 1ppm of total ammonia, 3.2ppm chloramines and 2ppm chlorine
Microbe-Lift ClorAm-X Dosage
Dosage Treats
1 gram 8.3 gallons
1 ounce 235 gallons
100 grams 828 gallons
1 pound 3,760 gallons
1 kilogram 8,280 gallons
5 pounds 18,800 gallons
Microbe-Lift Dry Ammonia Remover/Cloram-X

Microbe-Lift Dry Ammonia Remover/Cloram-X

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb
3,760 gallons
5 lbs
18,800 gallons
10 lbs
37,600 gallons

The Ultimate Phosphate Remover For Fresh Water

Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover is a polymeric blend with outstanding qualities, including the ability to tie-up large quantities of phosphate without negatively influencing the pond water in any way. Phosphate-caused by the decomposition of organic substances such as food surpluses, dead plant matter and excretion-is only harmless in concentrations below 0.3 ppm in fresh water.

  • Will not harm fish or plants
  • Safely removes phosphate from pond water
Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 100 gallons of water
Depending on water quality, organics and fish waste content, the above dosage will remove 1 - 1.5 ppm of phosphate. If phosphate level is still high, repeat dose. In case of very high levels, several treatments may be required.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Pond Phosphate Remover

Microbe-Lift Pond Phosphate Remover

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,600 gallons
32 Ounces
3,200 gallons
1 gallon
12,800 gallons

It is said the secret to healthy, colorful, Japanese koi is the clay mud in which they are raised. MICROBE-LIFT/Calcium Montmorillonite Clay comes from one of the highest calcium clay deposits in the world. Calcium based clay may help your pond water to produce some of the healthiest and deep colored koi you’ve ever raised (or seen)! The koi’s markings will become brighter and more dominant.

Plastic pre-formed ponds, as well as vinyl, cement and rubber ponds, do not have any nutrients on their bottom. In the wild, carp use mud to get many of their micronutrients and minerals. MICROBE-LIFT/Calcium Montmorillonite Clay has a negative electric charge which will bind the clay particles to positively charged toxins in the water. MICROBE-LIFT/Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is not only a nutrient source for koi, it will also “polish” your pond water. The clay acts as a natural flocculent and the particles that are bound up are filtered out of the pond.

  • Provides fish nutrition through mineral ingestion
  • Improves fish color
  • Detoxifies and clarifies pond water (polishing)

Montmorillonite Clay Dosage
Pond Size (gallons)Maintenance
100 - 249 1 level teaspoon twice weekly
250 - 500 1 level tablespoon twice weekly
501 - 1,0002 level tablespoons twice weekly
Microbe-Lift Premium Montmorillonite Clay

Microbe-Lift Premium Montmorillonite Clay

  SKU Size
2 lbs
4 lbs
6 lbs
25 lbs

Turns fresh tap water into pond water.

Essential for all pond keepers! Normal tap water contains chemicals and metals that can harm pond fish. This quickly eliminates chlorine, chloramines, and neutralizes heavy metals. It also provides a protective colloid coating for fish.

Tetra Aquasafe Application Rates
10mL 1/4 cup
for every 50 gallons of water for every 300 gallons of pond water
If chlorine levels in your tap water are high enough that you can smell the chlorine, use up to double the normal dosage.
Use Aquasafe whenever you add water to your pond

Tetra Aquasafe

Tetra Aquasafe

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16.9 oz
2,500 gallons
101.4 oz
15,000 gallons

Great For Freshwater, Marine or Pond Environments

This is the world's first full-function water conditioner. With everything you need in one bottle to maintain a superior environment for your aquatic pets. For new setups Ultimate® instantly "ages" water allowing you to enjoy your pets in action quicker without fear of the negative impact of toxic chloramine, ammonia, chlorine, heavy metals or nitrite.

  • Destroys Chloramines
  • Adds Essential Electrolytes
  • Removes Ammonia and chlorine
  • Boosts Alkalinity
  • Replaces Skin Slime-Coat
  • Detoxifies Nitrite and heavy metals (including copper)
  • Reduces Fish Stress
  • Instantly "Ages" Water
  • Non-Toxic To Humans, Pets & Aquatic Life
Hikari Pond Solutions Ultimate Application Rates
Directions - To fully condition water for (1) new aquariums or ponds (2) after or during water additions, or (3) before adding new fish, amphibians, invertebrates or plants, add 1 teaspoonful (5 mL) of Ultimate® per 10 gallons of water. For larger applications use the following dosage: 1 oz per 60 gallons of water.
Recommendations - Perform regular water changes to keep the alkalinity (acid-neutralizing capacity) and pH stable. Use Ultimate® as needed to eliminate and control ammonia at the regular dosage rate for each 1 mg/L, or fraction therefore of measured total ammonia or for each 0.85 mg/L of measured total ammonia-nitrogen. Use a salicylate (indolphenol) type total ammonia test kit. For dissolved-oxygen (DO) testing use either a DO meter or an indigocarmine test. May be used at the regular dosage to stop or destroy permanganate treatments.
Contraindications - Do not use with permanganate-based or chlorate-based treatments. Nessler's total ammonia test will give false, high (or off scale) readings. Winkler dissolved oxygen tests will give false, low (or zero) readings.
Hikari Pond Solutions Ultimate

Hikari Pond Solutions Ultimate

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
4 Ounces
240 gallons
16 Ounces
960 gallons
64 oz
3,480 gallons
128 oz
7,680 gallons
5 gallon
38,400 gallons

Fish and Water Conditioner

  • Instantly removes chlorine and chloramine.
  • Protects fish and assists in healing of fish wounds.

Stress Coat completely neutralizes and removes chlorine, chloramine & the ammonia associated with chloramine, which is added to tap water. Chloramine is toxic to fish as it is a molecule of chlorine and ammonia. Many water conditioners mainly break the bond, releasing the toxic associated ammonia. API Pond Stress Coat Plus+ special formula containing a slime coat replenisher and Aloe Vera, not only eases stress but also promotes the healing of damaged fish tissue and detoxifies heavy metals from tap water. Recommended for use whenever adding new water or new fish to a pond.

API Pond Stress Coat Dosage
To Remove & Neutralize Chlorine & Chloramines Use whenever tap water is added to the pond. Add 40ml per 160 gallons of pond water. For larger ponds, add 1/2 cup for each 480 gallons of pond water to remove chlorine and chloramine. In areas where water supply companies use high concentrations of chloramine, the dose should be doubled for added protection to your fish.
To Protect Fish Add 40ml per 80 gallons of pond water to protect fish. For larger ponds, use 1/2 cup for each 240 gallons to protect fish.
Dose daily for 7 days. Treatment may be continued if necessary.
Foaming may occur during the treatment. When exposed to elevated temperatures, this product may turn cloudy in the bottle; this does not affect the activity of the product.
API Pond Stress Coat

API Pond Stress Coat

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,920 gallons
32 Ounces
3,840 gallons
64 Ounces
7,680 gallons
1 gallon
15,360 gallons

Instantly neutralizes chlorine, copper, lead and zinc, as well as other heavy metals found in tap and well water, all of which may be toxic to fish and plants.

Chlorine and Heavy Metal Neutralizer Dosage
Add 1 teaspoonfulAdd 1/4 cup
per 100 gallons of pond water per 1,200 gallons of pond water
Use as needed
API Pond Chlorine & Heavy Metal Neutralizer

API Pond Chlorine & Heavy Metal Neutralizer

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
9,600 gallons
32 Ounces
19,200 gallons

Stress-X was developed to offer the hobbyist an effective way to replace a lost slime-coat on freshwater, marine or pond fish while helping to reduce stress. Non-Toxic To Humans, Pets & Aquatic Life.

  • Breaks the chloramine bond and removes chlorine and free ammonia
  • Detoxifies nitrite and heavy metals (including copper)
  • Boosts alkalinity
  • Replaces only lost or damaged skin-slime with a component that is 98% of the composition of a fish's natural slime coat
  • Adds essential electrolytes
Hikari Pond Solutions Stress-X Application Rates
Directions To condition water for aquarium or pond use add 1 teaspoonful (5 mL) of Stress-X per 10 gallons of water. Should be added to water before adding new fish, invertebrates, amphibians or plants. May be used daily, if needed. Excellent for use when shipping fish in bags.
DirectionsWill not remove or detoxify ammonia or chloramines
Recommendations Use Stress-X any time you notice damaged skin-slime coat or increased stress levels caused by damage to the skin
Hikari Pond Solutions Stress-X

Hikari Pond Solutions Stress-X

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 oz
60 gallons
4 Ounces
240 gallons

Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X utilizes a patented molecule to destroy chloramine and then removes the ammonia and chlorine. Gone are the days of hoping your biological filtration can remove the bound up ammonia before the health of your fish is impacted, a common process with most other ammonia removers. Look for the ClorAm-X logo and USA patent number to prove you've chosen the leader and most dependable ammonia remover available worldwide!

  • Destroys Chloramines
  • Removes Ammonia and Chlorine
  • Won't Affect Dissolved Oxygen Levels
  • Reduces pH Drop
  • Makes A Safe Environment For Your Aquatic Pets
  • Non-Toxic To Humans, Pets & Aquatic Life
Hikari Pond Solutions Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X Application Rates
Directions To remove and detoxify ammonia, chlorine and chloramines from water for aquariums or ponds, to condition new tap water or for chlorine and chloramine removal, add 1 teaspoonful (5 mL) of Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X® per 10 gallons of water.To remove ammonia in existing aquariums or ponds add 1 teaspoonful of Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X® to each 10 gallons of water for each measured 1.0 mg/L of total ammonia (=0.85 mg/L total ammonia-nitrogen).For protecting fish and aquatic invertebrates during shipping add 1 teaspoonful of Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X® to each 10 gallons of water for each expected 1.0 mg/L of total ammonia (=0.85 mg/L total ammonia-nitrogen). May be used at levels up to 10X the single dosage.
Recommendations Use ClorAm-X® as needed to eliminate and control ammonia at the regular dosage rate for each 1 mg/L, or fraction therefore of measured total ammonia or for each 0.85 mg/L of measured total ammonia-nitrogen. Contraindications Do not use with permanganate-based or chlorate-based treatments. Nessler's total ammonia test will give false, high (or off scale) readings. Winkler dissolved oxygen tests will give false, low (or zero) readings.
Hikari Pond Solutions Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X

Hikari Pond Solutions Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 oz
60 gallons
4 Ounces
240 gallons
1 gallon
11,520 gallons
5 gallon
57,600 gallons

The original, single-phase Ammonia, Chlorine & Chloramine Remover

ClorAm-X is a unique, dry powder water conditioner that has been scientifically formulated to remove, and thereby detoxify, ammonia, chlorine and chloramines from water for use in all types of fish and aquatic invertebrate culture.

  • Conditioning new water for aquariums, tanks, ponds, and live-haul containers.
  • After or during water additions
  • When adding new plants, invertebrates, fish or amphibians to an existing aquarium, tank, or pond.
  • Live-haul containers, during transportation of live fish, amphibians, or aquatic invertebrates, to control and eliminate ammonia in the shipping water.
Hikari Pond Solutions ClorAm-X Powder Application Rates
To remove and detoxify ammonia, chlorine and chloramines from water for aquariums or ponds, to condition new tap water or for chlorine and chloramine removal, add 1 oz per 235 gallons of water.
Hikari Pond Solutions ClorAm-X Powder

Hikari Pond Solutions ClorAm-X Powder

  SKU Size
5 lbs
10 lbs.
55 lbs.
Instantly detoxifies ammonia in fish ponds

API Pond Ammo Lock detoxifies poisonous ammonia, which is continually produced in your pond by waste, to a safe form for fish. This product eliminates ammonia stress, and promotes healthy gills and a safe pond environment for your pond fish. 

API Pond Ammo Lock Dosage
Add 1/4 cup of ammo lock per 250 gallons of pond water
One dose of ammo lock will neutralize 7.0ppm of chlorine, 3.0ppm of chloramines, and detoxify 3.0ppm of ammonia.
API Pond Ammo Lock

API Pond Ammo Lock

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,920 gallons
64 Ounces
7,680 gallons

Laguna Phos-X Phosphate Remover is specifically formulated to absorb and trap phosphate, nitrite and nitrate. This will provide ideal living conditions for your fish, while also clarifying your water. Simply place the Phos-X packet(s) in your filter or in an area of good water circulation and it will remain effective for 3 months.

For best results, start using Phos-X in early spring.

  • Quickly reduces phosphate
  • Creates a crystal clear water garden
  • Safe for fish & plants
  • Makes a great bilogical filter media when exhausted
Laguna Phos-x Phosphate Remover

Laguna Phos-x Phosphate Remover

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
2 pack
1,320 gallons for 3 months - 660 gallons per pack
4 pack
5,283 gallons for 3 months 1320 gallons per pack

Laguna Water Prep is specifically formulated to provide several benefits to the entire pond environment. It makes tap or well water safe for fish and plants by instantly eliminating chlorine and chloramine and neutralizing harmful metals, plus it coats and protects fish fins and scales.

    Dosing Instructions:
    New Pond:
    • Use 50 mL per 265 U.S. gal. of pond water (1,000 liters /220 Imp. gal.).
    • Fill pond with water and then add Water Prep directly to pond. This method is not recommended when fish are already in the pond.
    Water Replacement:
    • Use 50 mL per 265 U.S. gal. of pond water (1,000 liters /220 Imp. gal.) every time water is added from the tap.
    • To ensure maximum protection for fish already in a pond, dose the pond before any new water is added.

For pond water treatment only.

Laguna Water Prep

Laguna Water Prep

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
67.5 Ounces
10,566 gallons

Increases Overall KH/pH and Alkalinity values of pond water. KH or alkalinity levels are important in maintaining a stable pH and aiding in proper nitrification.

  • Lab tested and pharmaceutical grade.
  • Dissolves completely and easily in pond water.
  • Phosphate and ammonia free.
Aquascape Alkalinity Booster with Phosphate Binder

Aquascape Alkalinity Booster with Phosphate Binder

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb
5,000 gallons
9 lb.
40,750 gallons

This formulation is one of the most comprehensive water conditioners available. Apply directly to new ponds or immediately after water changes to remove toxins and reduce stress on fish or other aquatic life.

  • Removes ammonia, chlorine and destroys chloramines.
  • Detoxifies nitrite and heavy metals.
  • Adds essential electrolytes, enhances skin slime coat and reduces stress.
Application Rate:  1 fl. oz. per 60 gallons of water

EasyPro Water Conditioner PLUS

EasyPro Water Conditioner PLUS

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
960 gallons

Just Dechlor is a pH buffered, sodium thiosulfate based solution designed to immediately and safely remove chlorine and chloramine from tap water.

  • Instantly removes chlorine and chloramine in freshwater ponds
  • Super concentrated formula
  • Use with every addition of city or chlorinated water
  • Helps maintain a healthy immune system
  • 100% Phosphate Free
  • Safe for pets, aquatic life and humans
Directions: Use 1 teaspoon per 150 gallons. 1 fluid ounce treats 1,000 gallons. This dosage will remove 1 ppm chlorine, for water with higher levels of chlorine and chloramine, increase dosage accordingly.
Aqua Meds Just Dechlor

Aqua Meds Just Dechlor

  SKU Size Treats
16 Ounces
8,000 gallons
32 Ounces
16,000 gallons
128 Ounces
64,000 gallons

ReVive quickly removes the fish-toxic chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals often present in tap water. ReVive is especially beneficial to Goldfish and Koi in times of stress because it thickens the slime coat that helps fish recover from cuts and abrasions.

  • Immediately removes chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals and ammonia
  • Use every time water is added or when moving fish
  • Enhances protective slime coat of fish
Application Rate: For new ponds apply 1 oz per 200 gallons. Apply at the prescribed rate whenever new water is added.

For Best Results: Apply ReVive to the area of greatest circulation to ensure the product will be dispersed throughout the entire pond.
Atlantic ReVive Dechlorinator with Stress Reducer

Atlantic ReVive Dechlorinator with Stress Reducer

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
3,200 Gallons
32 Ounces
6,400 Gallons
Use to reduce fish stress, prevent parasites and infections, and accelerate healing

Aquascape Protect for Ponds uses an all-natural formulation of tea tree oil and other plant-based biopolymers to effectively protect pond fish. The special formulation effectively reduces fish stress, prevents parasites and bacterial infections, and accelerates the healing of superficial wounds, scrapes, cuts, and breeding abrasions. Protect for Ponds is great for use after handling fish, performing pond clean outs, or conducting water changes. The treatment will not discolor pond water and is safe for use with biological filters.
  • All-natural formula effectively protects pond fish
  • Significantly reduces fish stress
  • Prevents parasites and bacterial infections
  • Accelerates healing of superficial wounds, scrapes, cuts, and breeding abrasions

Treat once weekly for maintenance. During spring start-up or for dirty ponds, treat twice weekly for two weeks.

Aquascape Water Treatment Chart
Bottle Size1 Pump Treats1 Bottle Treats
8 oz.100 Gal.5,000 Gal.
16 oz.100 Gal.10,000 Gal.
32 oz.100 Gal.20,000 Gal.
1 Gal.600 Gal.80,000 Gal.
Aquascape Protect for Ponds

Aquascape Protect for Ponds

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
5,000 Gallons
16 Ounces
10,000 Gallons
32 Ounces
20,000 Gallons
1 Gal.
80,000 gal

Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer makes pond water safe for fish and plants by detoxifying chloramine and neutralizing large concentrations of toxic ammonia. It is important to eliminate any toxins in your pond water to ensure the health of your fish. The easy-to-use pump top accurately measures 100 gallons of treatment per pump. One bottle treats 10,000 gallons (37,800 Liters). Aquascape is passionate about the products we produce, providing unique products, designs, and features that stand above the competition.

  • 16 oz. /473 ml.
  • 1 pump treats 100 gal./378 liters
  • 1 bottle treats 10,000 gal./37,800 liters
  • Makes pond water safe for fish and plants
  • Detoxifies chloramines in tap water
  • Neutralizes large concentrations of toxic ammonia
Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer

Aquascape Ammonia Neutralizer

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
10,000 gallons
32 Ounces
20,000 gallons
1 gal
80,000 gallons

Buff-it-Up will boost the KH (carbonate hardness) in your pond which will bring your pH to a safe level. Supports and helps grow the life saving beneficial bacteria in your pond filter, which require carbonates “KH” and a calcium source to flourish. Buff-it-Up is an excellent calcium source, is gentle, safe, and enhances the freshwater environment.

  • Increase KH and stabilize your pH, stopping deadly overnight pH crashes
  • Improves water clarity.
  • Raises carbonate hardness safely and maintains it for a longer perios
  • Does not enhance algae growth
  • Phosphate/caustic free
  • Boost your pH and KH to safe levels

Question: How much pond water will this product treat per pound? 

Answer: There is no set amount of Buff-it- Up that should be used for all ponds. It could take four cups or more of buffer for yours to hold the same pH. It is gentle, safe, and enhances the freshwater environment.

Koi Buff-It-Up Application Rates
Check your total alkalinity, if it is below 120 ppm, add one measuring cup of Buff-it-Up per 2,000 gallons of water, or one tablespoon per 125 gallons and recheck total alkalinity 2 hours later. An ideal total alkalinity would be 120-240 ppm.
Repeat dosage to achieve and maintain 120+ total alkalinity. Do not exceed 400 total alkalinity
Aqua Meds Buff-It-Up

Aqua Meds Buff-It-Up

  Icons SKU Size Treats
4 lbs
See Description
8 lbs
See Description
24 lbs
See Description

Safely Raises pH Levels

  • Formulated in de-ionized water
  • Includes 2 pH increasers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
  • Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish
  • Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality
  • Not harmful to fish or plants

Application: Test your pond water at the same time each day (dawn = lowest pH; dusk = highest pH) for a pH reading. If the pH is lower than 6.5, use Microbe-Lift pH Increase Plus. If your pond contains fish and/or plants, do not dramatically change the pH (more than .5 of a pH unit) in 24 hours, as this may shock the aquatic life and plants. Apply Microbe-Lift pH Increase Plus in several steps and measure increased pH before next addition. Repeat if/as necessary.

Microbe-Lift pH Increase Plus Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 600 gallons of water for every 0.1 pH unit increase desired
Microbe-Lift pH Increase

Microbe-Lift pH Increase

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
9,600 gallons
32 Ounces
19,200 gallons
1 gallon
76,800 gallons

Safely Lowers pH Levels

  • Formulated in de ionized water
  • Includes 2 pH decreasers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
  • Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish
  • Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality
  • Not harmful to fish or plants

Application: Test your pond water at the same time each day (dawn = lowest pH; dusk = highest pH) for a pH reading. If the pH is above 8.0, use Microbe-Lift pH Decrease. If your pond contains fish and/or plants, do not dramatically change the pH (more than .5 of a pH unit) in 24 hours, as this may shock the aquatic life and plants. Apply Microbe-Lift pH Decrease Plus in several steps and measure decreased pH before next addition. Repeat if/as necessary.

Microbe-Lift pH Decrease Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 600 gallons of water for every 0.1 pH unit decrease desired
Microbe-Lift pH Decrease

Microbe-Lift pH Decrease

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
9,600 gallons
32 Ounces
19,200 gallons
1 gallon
76,800 gallons

Safely BUFFERS pH Levels & Prevents Wide pH Swings

  • Includes 2 pH buffers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
  • Provides necessary alkalinity for nitrification
  • Specially formulated to control fish toxicity which may arise from overdosing
  • Not harmful to fish or plants
Microbe-Lift 7.5 pH Buffer/Stabilizer Dosage
To Lower the pH and hold it at 7.5 Adjust the pH with Microbe-Lift pH Decrease. Add 4 level scoops of this buffer per 120 gallons of water
To Raise the pH and hold it at 7.5 Adjust the pH with Microbe-Lift pH Increase. Add 4 level scoops of this buffer per 120 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift 7.5 pH Buffer / Stabilizer

Microbe-Lift 7.5 pH Buffer / Stabilizer

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb.
800 gallons

pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of water. A pH reading of 7.0 is neutral, a pH higher than 7.0 is alkaline, and a pH lower than 7.0 is acidic. The pH level of a pond can be different from day to day. Pond water should be tested for pH levels regularly. When tests show a change in pH, use pH Up or pH Down to slowly adjust the pH to a desired level.

API pH Up & pH Down Dosage
To Lower the pH Add 1 teaspoons per 50 gallons of pond water. Carefully mix desired dose with 2 gallons of pond water in a plastic bucket and distribute evenly around the perimeter of the pond.
To Raise the pH Add 2 teaspoons per 50 gallons of pond water. For best results, add to water flow.
pH should not be raised or lowered more than .5 units every 24 hours. Do not treat the pond more than once in a 24 hour period.
Repeat treatment as necessary.
API Pond pH Up & pH Down

API Pond pH Up & pH Down

  SKU Size pH Effect
16 Ounces
Raises pH
16 Ounces
Lowers pH

The Evolution Aqua Detox Dechlorinator is a quick and simple method of filtering out harmful chlorine and other impurities from tap water. It is ideal for first fill, water changes and top-ups, for both ponds and aquariums.

There’s no need to wait for chlorine to gas-off or to use liquid treatments. Simply fill up straight from the hosepipe via the Evolution Aqua Detox Dechlorinator. This unit simply connects to garden hose or rigid pipe work. Connectors are included.

Hi-grade activated carbon removes chlorine, chloramine, bromine, malachite green, dyes, colours, humic acids, organics, proteins, antibiotics, hormones and ozone.

Evolution Aqua Detox Dechlorinators

Evolution Aqua Detox Dechlorinators

  Icons SKU Treats Up To Max. Flow Rate Carbon Spec. Pressure Rating Supplied with Dimensions
59,439 Gal
1.05 Gal per Min
High-grade activated carbon
Rated for use with standard household mains water pressure only
2 Connectors for easy connection up to a standard garden hose
4.5"D x 15"L
146,615 Gal
1.5 Gal per Min
High-grade activated carbon
Rated for use with standard household mains water pressure only
2 Connectors for easy connection up to a standard garden hose
4.5"D x 33"L

Instantly Makes Water Koi & Goldfish Safe!

  • Neutralizes Chlorine
  • Neutralizes ammonia NH3
  • Neutralizes nitrite NO2
  • Neutralizes nitrite NO3
  • Will not affect pH
  • Super concentrated formula

Directions: For best results, add H2O Neutralizer to tap water before adding water to your pond. Use 1 tsp per 50 gallons. Each cup treats 2,400 gallons. If treating pond for ammonia, nitrite or nitrate, dosage can be repeated or increased up to 5x within a 24-hour period. A sulfur odor is normal and dissipates rapidly after use. In certain rare conditions and in low oxygen environments, this products may reduce dissolve oxygen levels. Ensure there is adequate circulation/aeration before adding.

Aqua Meds H2O Neutralizer - Pond Water Conditioner

Aqua Meds H2O Neutralizer - Pond Water Conditioner

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
32 Ounces
9,900 gallons
128 Ounces
38,400 gallons

Safely lowers pH levels. Many factors in a pond affect the water’s pH, such as fish food and decaying plant material. When determining whether or not to decrease pH, always track the water’s pH over several days.

  • Controls pH safely and effectively
  • Treats fresh and salt water
  • Phosphate free
  • Reduces the water’s pH

To decrease the pH 1/10 of a point (for example: 6.1 to 6.0), add 1 fl oz per 600 gallons of water. Allow the water to circulate for at least 30 minutes then retest. Reapply as needed to get water to desired pH levels.

Webb's Water Gardens pH Decreaser

Webb's Water Gardens pH Decreaser

  Icons SKU 16 oz (treats up to) 1 Gal (treats up to)
9,600 gal
76,800 gal

Safely raises pH levels. Many factors in a pond affect the water’s pH, such as fish food and decaying plant material. When determining whether or not to decrease pH, always track the water’s pH over several days.

  • Controls pH safely and effectively
  • Treats fresh and salt water
  • Phosphate free
  • Raises the water’s pH

To increase the pH 1/10 of a point (for example: 6.1 to 6.2), add 1 fl oz per 600 gallons of water. Allow the water to circulate for at least 30 minutes then retest. Reapply as needed to get water to desired pH levels.

Webb's Water Gardens pH Increaser

Webb's Water Gardens pH Increaser

  Icons SKU Treats up to
9,600 gal

This natural powder formulation produces a non-chemical alternative to using aluminum sulfate (ALUM) in koi ponds and water gardens. It contains approximately 70 trace minerals which work naturally to bind soluble phosphorous in pond water. It also buffers pH, which helps promote fish health and prevents drastic pH “swings.”

  • Non-chemically binds phosphates
  • Provides approx. 70 trace minerals
  • Buffers pH
  • Apply 1 oz of powder per 500 gallons, every one to two weeks
Webb's Water Gardens Natural Phosphate Binder

Webb's Water Gardens Natural Phosphate Binder

  Icons SKU

So, you’ve got your pond filled with water and you are excited to add fish and plants. Not so fast! City water is full of chlorine, chloramine, ammonia and heavy metals and if you add fish and plants without removing those materials you could be putting fish and plants in danger. PondPrep is formulated to quickly remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia and heavy metals when starting up a pond or when replacing water due to evaporation.

  • Makes Tap Water Safe For Fish & Plants
  • Removes Chlorine, Chloramine, Ammonia & Heavy Metals
  • Adds Slime Coat Protectant
  • Safe For All Aquatic Life
SuperNatural PondPrep Water Conditioner

SuperNatural PondPrep Water Conditioner

Universal Pond Supply
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