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All Microbe-Lift Products

If you want to know why to add bacteria to your pond, keep reading. Green matter and bottom sludge can build up unsafe levels of ammonia and nitrate creating an unhealthy, unsightly environment for your koi or goldfish. Balancing the pond with Microbe Lift products is safe for wildlife and pets and promotes fish growth and health. These products are designed to balance your pond naturally, control algae, eliminate nitrogen and promote a healthy, natural eco-system.

All Microbe-Lift Products

A natural, beneficial, environmentally safe bacteria that is non-pathogenic, non-toxic and non-caustic. Microbe-lift PL creates a healthy environment in your pond and promotes faster fish growth. It improves dissolved oxygen levels and reduces hydrogen sulfide odors. Microbe-lift PL works in both high and low alkalinity. It metabolizes dead algae and dissolves away organic sludge. Safe for wildlife and pets that may drink out of pond.

  • Contains photosynthetic bacteria
  • Creates a cleaner environment for your pond
  • Improves fish health, growth and longevity
  • Promotes cycling of pond including nitrate elimination
  • Seeds and maintains biological filter
  • Use when water temperatures are above 50F
  • 2 years unopened shelf-life, 1 year opened
Microbe-Lift PL Basic Application Rates
Pond Size
1st Application
Next 4 Weeks
(once per week)
(once per month)
10 - 20 2 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz.
21-50 4 oz. 1.5 oz. 1.5 oz.
51-80 6 oz. 1.5 oz. 1.5 oz.
81-250 8 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
251-500 10 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz.
501-1,000 14 oz. 5 oz. 5 oz.
1,001-1,500 18 oz 6 oz. 6 oz.
1,501-2,500 24 oz 8 oz. 8 oz.
2,501-3,500 28 oz. 10 oz. 10 oz.
3,501-5,000 32 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz.
5,001-7,500 40 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz
7,501-10,000 48 oz. 20 oz. 20 oz.
Microbe-Lift PL Beneficial Bacteria

Microbe-Lift PL Beneficial Bacteria

  SKU Size
1 pint
1 quart
1 gallon
5 gallons

Specially Formulated for Pond Winterization

Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep helps accelerate the decomposition of leaves, sediment and other organic matter during the fall and winter months. It will also jump start your pond to a healthier environment in the spring.

Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep is a two-part system of liquid bacteria and dry, water soluble packets containing a blend of cellulase enzymes, cellulase-producing bacteria and a cold weather bacteria. The cellulase enzymes, along with the cellulase-producing bacteria, are the key to accelerating the breakdown of leaves, organic sediment and sludge all winter long. Continues to provide sustained biological activity even in water temperatures under 40°F. (4°C.)

  • 80 - 2,500 gallons add 1 packet per month
  • 2,501 - 10,000 gallons add 2 packets per month
  • 10,001 - 100,000 gallons add 3 packets per month
  • 100,001 - 300,000 gallons add 4 packets per month

Microbe-Lift Autumn Prep Application Rates
Pond Size
1st Application Next 3 Weeks
(Once per week)
(Once per month)
80 - 200 4 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
201 - 500 6 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz.
501 - 1,000 8 oz. 4 oz. 4 oz.
1,001 - 2,500 12 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz.
2501 - 5000 16 oz. 8 oz. 8 oz.
5001 - 7500 20 oz. 10 oz. 10 oz.
7501 - 10,000 24 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz.
10,001 - 25,000 48 oz. 20 oz. 20 oz.
25,001 - 50,000 64 oz. 40 oz. 40 oz.
50,001 - 100,000 1 gal. 60 oz. 60 oz.
100,001 - 300,000 2 gal. 96 oz. 96 oz.

Run out of dry packets? The Microbe-Lift Spring/Summer packets are exactly the same!

Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep

Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep

  SKU Size
1 quart & 4 pcs. - 2 oz packets
1 gallon & 8 pcs. - 2 oz packets

Specially formulated to accelerate the breakdown of leaves, small branches, and other accumulated dead organic waste. Microbe-Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner reduces buildup of dead leaves and residual organic sediment. Simply toss water soluble packets directly into the pond. Each packet contain cellulase enzymes and hyper cellulase-producing bacteria. Spring is the prime season for cleaning and revitalizing your pond after the cold and harsh winter months.  No water temperature restrictions. 

  • Helps to jump start your pond in the spring
  • Reduces buildup of dead leaves and residual organic sediment
  • 8 pre-measured packets - simply toss into your pond
  • Natural, nontoxic and noncaustic
Spring/Summer Cleaner Application Rates
Pond Size (Gallons) 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week
80 - 500 1 bag 1 bag 1 bag 1 bag
501 - 1,000 2 bags 1 bag 2 bags 1 bags
1,001 - 1,500 2 bags 2 bags 2 bags 2 bags
Microbe-Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner

Microbe-Lift Spring/Summer Cleaner

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
(8) 2 oz soluble bags
5,000 gal pond for 4 weeks

Formulated for the removal of organic bottom solids that are slow to degrade, especially helpful in ponds that have a rock or gravel bottom or where vacuuming is impractical. As organic solids accumulate on the pond bottom, they begin to break down releasing toxic gasses. These gaseous by-products can endanger fish, marine life and plants. Microbe-Lift Sludge Away reduces and eliminates potential harmful gaseous compounds and helps clarify your pond water at the same time.

Be aware, when added it will temporarily darken the water. The color can take up to 1-2 weeks to dissipate but is harmless to plants, fish or other inhabitants and will not harm humans or animals. The color is due to the type of bacteria necessary to biodegrade the more difficult buildup of debris and sludge. The bacteria must first solubilize the sludge before it can be biodegraded.  It is the solubilization process which discolors the water. Depending upon the amount of buildup to be solubilized, the discoloration time will vary.

  • Organic and microbial based
  • Safe for fish, plants, pets and the environment
  • Provides "rapid and natural sludge and muck removal"
Microbe-Lift Sludge Away Rates
Pond Size
(once per week for 4 weeks)
80-2,500 2 oz per 100 gal. 1 oz per 100 gal.
2,501 - 5,000 1.75 oz per 100 gal 1 oz per 100 gal.
5,001 + 1.5 oz per 100 gal 1 oz per 100 gal.
Microbe-Lift Sludge Away

Microbe-Lift Sludge Away

  SKU Size
1 quart
1 gallon
5 gallon

Convenient, Easy-to-Use, Flip-Top Squeeze Bottle!

PL GEL is a technological breakthrough because it's the first product that puts the bacteria right where you want it and it stays there! PL/GEL will quickly attach to and populate any filter media including foam, strapping, floss, bio-balls, spring flo, ceramic media, etc. This will help to rapidly establish the necessary biological activity in your filter to stabilize your pond's environment quickly. It will also help restore this activity to your filter when you clean or change the media in your filter.

  • Easily applies to the filter pads/media without running or getting messy.
  • Contains the same spectrum of bacteria found in Microbe-Lift PL.
  • Contains naturally occurring bio polymers, helping organisms quickly attach to the media allowing for an 80% reduction in filter start-up time.
  • Helps to stabilize pond environment quickly upon start up and to eliminate transient instability that can occur when filter media is cleaned or replaced.
  • Allows for more frequent cleaning of filters without subsequent instability if a pond has a high solids loading where frequent cleaning is beneficial.
  • Reduces the frequency of cleaning by accelerating the breakdown of organic solids that can lead to high maintenance requirements.
  • Helps to establish de-nitrification in the filter which can lower nitrate levels in the pond.
  • 2 years unopened shelf-life, 1 year opened
Microbe-Lift PL GEL Application Rates
Spread GEL directly on filter pad or media and allow it to set for 1 - 2 hours before insertion into the filter or skimmer.
After insertion, turn pump off for 1 - 2 hours, providing water can maintain adequate oxygenation without circulation for this amount of time.
Repeat application each time you clean or replace your pads/media
Microbe-Lift PL GEL (Filter Pad Inoculant)

Microbe-Lift PL GEL (Filter Pad Inoculant)

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
200 gallons/4 treatments
16 Ounces
1000 gallons/5 treatments
32 Ounces
5000 gallons/5 treatments

Microbe-Lift Pond Bacterial Balancer contains naturally occurring, non-toxic microorganisms. It is safe for the environment, humans, lakes, rivers, pets and all filter systems.

Microbe-Lift Pond Bacterial Balancer is a spore-based blend of Bacillus species. These aerobic heterotraphs (organic degraders) provide the ability to quickly establish populations necessary for breaking down organic waste from fish, waterfowl, plants and other aquatic life in your pond and aid in quickly establishing a functional population in your pond's filter.

As a result, Microbe-Lift Pond Bacterial Balancer helps to keep water clean and control build-up of sludge or bottom solids. It also helps to establish denitrification- the biological conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas- which bubbles harmlessly out of your pond, reducing the availability of soluble nitrogen which can stimulate unwanted growth in your pond.

Basic Application Rates
Size of Pond (in gallons) 1st Application (purge / shock)Maintenance (once per month)
20-502 oz.1 oz.
51-2003 oz.1.5 oz.
201-5004 oz.2 oz.
501-2,0006 oz.4 oz.
2,001-5,0008 oz.5 oz.
5,001-10,00016 oz.10 oz.
10,001-15,00024 oz.15 oz.
15,001-20,00032 oz.20 oz.
20,001-25,00040 oz.25 oz.
Microbe-Lift Pond Bacterial Balancer

Microbe-Lift Pond Bacterial Balancer

  SKU Size
16 Ounces
32 Ounces
1 gal.

Microbe-Lift PBL Professional is a blend of microbes that contain specifically formulated strains of bacteria manufactured for use by landscape, irrigation and pond professionals. A blend of beneficial bacteria formulated to naturally eliminate organic waste and sludge while improving water quality and reducing nitrate compounds. PBL is a combination of 3 products: PL 80%, TheraP 10% and Bloom & Grow 10%. The Bloom & Grow is for plants and TheraP is for fish. Designed for professional service people so they don’t have to carry 3 bottles from pond to pond. 

  • Keeps your ponds clean and clear
  • Reduces ammonia and nitrogen levels
  • Seeds and maintains biological filters
  • Reduces buildup of bird droppings, fish food and dead leaves
  • Safe for people, pets, livestock, fish, birds and all wildlife. 

1 quart treats a 1,000 gallon pond for two months (a 5,000 gallon pond requires 46 oz. for the same two month period)

Pond Size
1st Application
Next 4 Weeks
(once per week)
(once per month)
80 - 200 3 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
201 - 500 10 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz.
501 - 1,000 12 oz. 4 oz. 4 oz.
1,001 - 5,000 16 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz.
5,001 - 10,000 32 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz.
Microbe-Lift PBL Professional Blend

Microbe-Lift PBL Professional Blend

  SKU Size
1 quart
1 gallon
5 gallons

Liquid concentrate barley straw extract specifically formulated to naturally balance pond water and improve clarity. Goes to work on contact, decomposition begins immediately, no messy residual. One bottle is equal to multiple barley straw bales. The chart below is designed for first time users. After initial dosing the product goes considerably further:

A Liquid Extract of Barley Straw Especially Helpful Where Bottom Drains Are Present. An environmentally responsible, cost-efficient pond conditioner that is a clean & easy, natural & organic approach to a healthy pond environment.

  • Goes to work on contact
  • Releases decomposition by-products immediately
  • Not harmful to aquatic life, plants, humans and pets
  • One bottle is equal to a multiple of barley straw bales
  • Can be used all year round, No messy residue

Maturing A Pond Biologically and Chemically

When a pond's ecosystem is mature and balanced, the water is usually clear and healthy for aquatic life. This maturation process is a function of the microbiological and chemical properties of the water.

NATURAL CHEMICAL MATURATION - Microbe-Lift Barley Straw LIQUID & DRY formulations help to mature the pond with natural chemicals just as a pure mountain stream matures through the years by the introduction of natural breakdown products from trees, plants, etc. These natural breakdown products often include humic and fulvic acid and organic acids that have a natural ability to sequester, or tie up, inorganic compounds, so their concentrations in the pond don't get to levels that would unbalance the ponds ecosystem. These substances can also lead to natural purification of the pond through a slow release of hydrogen peroxide as they react with sunlight. The hydrogen peroxide is produced at levels that help purify the water while not having any adverse effects on desirable aquatic life. The sequestering, in conjunction with microbiological cycling, provides a stable natural ecosystem in your pond.

BIOLOGICAL MATURATION The microbiological maturation process involves development of symbiotic populations of bacteria, which stabilize the critical organic and inorganic components of the pond. The microorganisms do this through their ability to promote "biogeochemical cycles" including carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous cycles - elements critical to all forms of aquatic life. By stabilizing these components, the bacteria prevent pollution of the pond. It can take some time to accomplish this "biological maturation" in a man-made pond and may never occur as the maturation process is constantly interrupted by certain pond practices like cleaning out the pond. The process can be accelerated significantly through the use of Microbe-Lift PL - a virtual "ecosystem in a bottle" - and mimics the complex interdependent populations in a mature pond.

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Extract Basic Application Rates
Pond Size
Next 3 Weeks
(once per week)
(once per month)
up to 500 2 oz .5 oz. .75 oz.
501 - 1,000 3 oz. .75 oz. 1.25 oz.
1,001 - 1,500 4 oz. 1 oz. 1.5 oz.
1,501 - 2,000 6 oz. 1.25 oz. 1.75 oz.
2,001 - 3,000 8 oz. 1.5 oz. 2.25 oz.
3,001 - 4,000 10 oz. 2 oz. 3 oz.
4,001 - 5,000 12 oz. 2.5 oz. 3.5 oz.
5,001 - 6,000 16 oz. 3 oz. 4 oz.
6,001 - 7,000 20 oz. 3.5 oz. 4.5 oz.
7,001 - 8,000 24 oz. 5 oz. 6 oz.
8,001 - 10,000 32 oz. 6 oz. 8 oz.
Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Extract

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Extract

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
200 gallon pond up to 2 1/2 months
16 Ounces
200 gallon pond up to 11 months
32 Ounces
500 gallon pond up to 5 1/2 months
64 Ounces
1000 gallon pond up to 6 1/2 months
1 gallon
5 gallon

A special formulation of bacteria designed to jump start bead filters. Contains the necessary types of bacteria to quickly establish a biofilm on the bead media and maintain the processes for optimum performance of bead filters. Contains photosynthetic bacteria.

Microbe-Lift Super Start Application Rates
Pond Size (gallons) 1st Application (purge) Next 3 Weeks (once per week) Maintenance (once per week for 2 weeks after cleaning)
501 - 1,000 4 oz. 4 oz. 4 oz.
1,001 - 5,000 6 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz
Microbe-Lift Super Start Bead Filter Bacteria

Microbe-Lift Super Start Bead Filter Bacteria

  SKU Size
1 quart
1 gallon

Specifically designed for natural ponds. Creates a healthy environment for your pond, breaks down organic sludge and slime, reduces ammonia and nitrite levels and more. This proprietary formulation for larger rural lakes and ponds assists in the reduction of ammonia nitrogen levels, reduces odors and breaks down organic sludge.

Microbe-Lift HC Basic Application Rates
Pond Size
1st Application
Next 4 Weeks
(once per week)
(once per month)
5,001 - 10,000 32 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz.
10,001 - 50,000 64 oz. 24 oz. 24 oz.
50,001 - 100,000 1 gal. 32 oz. 32 oz.
100,001 - 300,000 2 gal. .5 gal. .5 gal.
300,001 - 500,000 4 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal.
500,001 - 750,000 6 gal. 2 gal. 2 gal.
750,001 - 1,000,000 8 gal. 3 gal. 2.5 gal.
Microbe-Lift HC Beneficial Bacteria

Microbe-Lift HC Beneficial Bacteria

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 gallon
10,000 gallon pond for 3 months
5 gallons
50,000 gallon pond for 6 months

Specially Formulated For Rapid Ammonia & Nitrite Reduction

Microbe-Lift Nite Out II is designed specifically for pond waters that contain marine life. Its highly-specialized microbial consortium of nitrifying cultures are specially formulated to eliminate ammonia via a natural biological process termed nitrification. The cultures contained in Microbe-Lift Nite Out II will establish, promote or stabilize and maintain nitrification in pond waters, eliminating the toxic effect of ammonia.

Microbe-Lift Nite Out II liquid nitrifying bacteria contains select strains of Nitrosomonas, Nitrospira and Nitrobacter. Nitrosomonas convert ammonia to nitrite and Nitrobacter and Nitrospira convert nitrite to nitrate.

Microbe-Lift Nite Out II comprises select microorganisms that are autotrophic-able to use carbon dioxide as the sole source of carbon-and are relatively slow growing, requiring specific conditions for optimum growth with typical cell division rates from 8 to 16 hours. Their performance and rate of growth are impacted by the environmental parameters required for nitrification.

They are also highly oxygen-sensitive, requiring high dissolved oxygen levels (greater than 2 mg/L) to achieve maximum growth rates. Nitrite is produced by beneficial bacteria in the pond and the oxidation of harmful waste ammonia excreted by fish. Even though nitrite is not as toxic as ammonia, it is still very damaging to the health of fish.

  • Initiates nitrification
  • Promotes stable nitrification
  • Provides stable cold weather nitrification
  • Safe for use around plants and animals
Microbe Lift Nite Out ll Application Rates
Size of pond
Next 4 weeks
(1x weekly)
(1x monthly)
80-500 1 oz. .5 oz. 1 oz.
500-2500 5 oz. 2.5 oz. 5 oz.
2500-5000 10 oz. 5 oz. 10 oz.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift NITE-OUT II

Microbe-Lift NITE-OUT II

  SKU Size
16 Ounces
32 Ounces
1 gallon

All the Benefits of Concentrated Barley Straw Extract PLUS Added Liquid Peat To Help Maintain An Ideal pH in Alkaline Ponds!

Rich in organic peat which softens pond water-reducing nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the water column and provides a buffering agent and ion attenuation in lined ponds that additionally gives them some beneficial properties of earthen ponds!

Maturing A Pond Biologically and Chemically

When a pond's ecosystem is mature and balanced, the water is usually clear and healthy for aquatic life. This maturation process is a function of the microbiological and chemical properties of the water.

NATURAL CHEMICAL MATURATION Microbe-Lift Barley Straw LIQUID & DRY formulations help to mature the pond with natural chemicals just as a pure mountain stream matures through the years by the introduction of natural breakdown products from trees, plants, etc. These natural breakdown products often include humic and fulvic acid and organic acids that have a natural ability to sequester, or tie up, inorganic compounds, so their concentrations in the pond don't get to levels that would unbalance the ponds ecosystem. These substances can also lead to natural purification of the pond through a slow release of hydrogen peroxide as they react with sunlight. The hydrogen peroxide is produced at levels that help purify the water while not having any adverse effects on desirable aquatic life. The sequestering, in conjunction with microbiological cycling, provides a stable natural ecosystem in your pond.

BIOLOGICAL MATURATION The microbiological maturation process involves development of symbiotic populations of bacteria, which stabilize the critical organic and inorganic components of the pond. The microorganisms do this through their ability to promote "biogeochemical cycles" - including carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous cycles - elements critical to all forms of aquatic life. By stabilizing these components, the bacteria prevent pollution of the pond. It can take some time to accomplish this "biological maturation" in a man-made pond and may never occur as the maturation process is constantly interrupted by certain pond practices like cleaning out the pond. The process can be accelerated significantly through the use of Microbe-Lift PL - a virtual "ecosystem in a bottle" - and mimics the complex interdependent populations in a mature pond.

Microbe Lift Concentrated Barley Straw Extract Plus Peat
Pond Size
Next 3 Weeks
(once per week)
(once per month)
up to 500 2 oz .5 oz. .75 oz.
501 - 1,000 3 oz. .75 oz. 1.25 oz.
1,001 - 1,500 4 oz. 1 oz. 1.5 oz.
1,501 - 2,000 6 oz. 1.25 oz. 1.75 oz.
2,001 - 3,000 8 oz. 1.5 oz. 2.25 oz.
3,001 - 4,000 10 oz. 2 oz. 3 oz.
4,001 - 5,000 12 oz. 2.5 oz. 3.5 oz.
5,001 - 6,000 16 oz. 3 oz. 4 oz.
6,001 - 7,000 20 oz. 3.5 oz. 4.5 oz.
7,001 - 8,000 24 oz. 5 oz. 6 oz.
8,001 - 10,000 32 oz. 6 oz. 8 oz.
Microbe-Lift Concentrated Barley Straw Extract Plus Peat

Microbe-Lift Concentrated Barley Straw Extract Plus Peat

  SKU Size
8 Ounces
16 Ounces
32 Ounces
64 Ounces
1 gallon
5 gallon

Made with 100% Natural and organic ingredients, this product improves water quality, fish and plant health. Barley Straw Pellets are the most convenient form of barley today. They should be introduced preferably where water is flowing and the depth is less than three feet. You may also place some in your filter media box. You may start your application any time of the year.

Enriched with peat and humic acid, this revolutionary formula works faster & better with Less Mess & Cost and is easier to apply than bales, pillows and pads!

  • Matures pond water chemistry, Buffers pH,Works year round
  • Disperses quickly by simple broadcast of pellets into the pond or packing in a porous fabric sock and suspending in pond or available chamber in skimmer or filter
  • Releases decomposition by-products immediately
  • Recommended for use with all Microbe-Lift bacterial and enzymatic pond products
  • Provides a slow steady release of beneficial ingredients through natural activity

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets is an environmentally responsible, cost-efficient pond conditioner that is a natural and organic way to a healthy pond environment! Barley straw and selected natural peats have been processed and packaged to make them easy and clean to apply. Manufactured using an exclusive proprietary pelleting process that eliminates the use of wheat, corn and other binders, the barley straw is harvested and stored under climatic conditions that assure the quality of these essential ingredients.

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets works in much the same way as barley straw...only faster! Whereas barley straw works by releasing certain natural chemicals as it biodegrades, so do the pellets in Barley Straw Pellets, only the breakdown compounds are released faster: dispersing equally throughout the water; reacting photo chemically with sunlight; and activating humic acids to produce hydrogen peroxide - an oxidizing agent that also helps to keep the water clear - naturally and at a low level of release. The humic acid will also chelate metals such as copper or arsenic. Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets are rich in organic peat which softens pond water-reducing nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the water column-and provides a buffering agent and ion attenuation in lined ponds that additionally gives them some beneficial properties of earthen ponds!

Please note: Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets will leave a residue on the bottom of the pond. The bacteria in the Microbe-Lift products as well as Microbe-Lift Sludge Away will digest this organic residual.

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
2.2 lbs
400 gallon pond up to 8 months
4.4 lbs
800 gallon pond up to 8 months
10.5 lbs
2,500 gallon pond up to 6 months
25 lbs.
40 lbs.

MICROBE-LIFT/Professional Blend Dry packets contain cellulase enzymes, hyper cellulase producing bacteria and a cold weather bacteria (psychrophile) to accelerate the breakdown of leaves, small twigs, sediment and other accumulated dead organic waste. MICROBE-LIFT/Professional Blend Dry can be used as a stand-alone product, combined with our Liquid MICROBE-LIFT/Professional Blend Liquid (PBL) in the spring, or used in winter as well.

  • Cuts costs by eliminating the chance of using excess product.
  • Eliminates handling and dusting.
  • Costs only pennies a day.
  • Easy to use premeasured packets.
  • Dissolves within 5 minutes after placing in water.
  • Unique packet material will keep from sticking together in high humidity.
Basic Application Rates
Pond Size (Gallons) 1st Application (2 oz packets) Next 4 Weeks (Once per week) (2 oz packets) Maintenance (Once per month) (2 oz packets)
80 - 500 1
1 1
501 - 1000 2 2 2
1001 - 5,000 3 3 3
5,001 - 7,500 4 4 4
7,501 - 10,000 5 5 5
Microbe-Lift Professional Blend Dry

Microbe-Lift Professional Blend Dry

  SKU Size Packets
2 oz.
50 pc.
8 Ounces
25 pc.
2 oz.
100 pc.
2 Ounces
200 pc.
8 oz.
50 pc.
  • Combines biodegradable resources and technology along with micro emulsion technology
  • Powerful and safe removal of organic debris and mineral deposits
  • Biodegradable, skin friendly and non toxic
  • Safe for use around birds, animals and humans
Microbe-Lift Bird Bath & Statuary Cleaner

Microbe-Lift Bird Bath & Statuary Cleaner

  SKU Size
32 Ounces Bottle
Cold Weather Wheat Germ Fish Food

In the cold weather of spring and fall, when the night-time temperature goes below 55°F but above 42°F, feed this cold weather formula. When the pond water's temperature drops, the fish require a highly digestible, cool-water diet. This cold water diet is made with lesser amounts of protein and contains wheat germ which is easily digested. This formula also contains a higher level of fats to prepare the fish for winter.

  • Pellet size 0.3–0.5 cm

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Fish Oil, Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-ascorbyl-2- polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Dry Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Dry Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift Wheat Germ Fish Food - Floating

Microbe-Lift Wheat Germ Fish Food - Floating

  SKU Size
12 Ounces
2 lbs. 4 Ounces
5 lbs. 4 Ounces
14 lbs 8 oz
40 lbs (bag)

Floating pellets with added color enhancers

As the warmer weather sets in, begin increasing the frequency and quantity of your feeding. The Summer Staple Food has animal protein and color enhancers that are needed during this season. The added color enhancers are made up of astaxanthin (crab shell), spirulina and krill, which all promote brilliant color development.

  • Pellet size 0.3 - 0.5 cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.) Copper (min.)
36%6%5%8%9%1.3%7 mg/kg

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Fish Oil, Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-axcorbyl-2-polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Dried Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift Summer Staple - Floating

Microbe-Lift Summer Staple - Floating

  SKU Size
10 Ounces
2 lbs
4 lbs. 12 Ounces
14 lbs
40 lbs (bag)

Floating Sticks

As far as we know, Ecological Laboratories is the first fish food manufacturer to commercially produce this type of food. Variety is the spice of life. If you don't have time to cut up fruits and vegetables for your pond fish, give them this "fruits and greens" blend. Ecological Labs has done the cutting and blending for you. There are apples, apricots, kiwis, mangos, papayas, peaches, pears, broccoli, cabbage, peas, red peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and spinach in this scientific blend.

  • Pellet size 0.4 - 1.4 cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.)

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Wheat Middlings, Corn Gluten Meal, Fish Oil, Dicalcium Phosphate, Brewers Dried Yeast, Apple, Broccoli, Apricot, Green Cabbage, Kiwi, Red Cabbage, Mango, Peas, Papaya, Red Pepper, Peach, Tomato, Pear, Zucchini, Spinach, L-ascorbyl-2 polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Astaxanthin (color), Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate Choline Chloride, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous sulfate, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), , Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B 12 supplement.

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift Fruits & Greens - Floating

Microbe-Lift Fruits & Greens - Floating

  SKU Size
10 Ounces
2 lbs
4 lbs. 8 Ounces
13 lbs 4 oz
40 lbs (bag)
Summer Staple Food w/ Montmorillonite Clay

Feed above 68°F (20°C). Alternate feeding the two supplemental foods every other day (four days per week). Due to the lower protein content this can be alternated with the Cold Weather formula during colder weather as well. The Montmorillonite Clay provides additional minerals which help provide more immunity against viruses commonly found in pond environments. Additional quantities of vitamins are also blended into this food. Montmorillonite Clay also acts as a toxin binder by neutralizing metabolic toxins.

  • Pellet size: 0.6-1.2cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.) Copper (min.)
36%6%5%8%9%1.3%7 mg/kg

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Montmorillonite Clay, Fish Oil (anti-caking agent), Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-axcorbyl-2-polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift Immuno Food w/Montmorillonite Clay - Floating

Microbe-Lift Immuno Food w/Montmorillonite Clay - Floating

  SKU Size
10 Ounces
1 lbs. 12 Ounces
4 lbs. 8 Ounces
13 lbs
40 lbs (bag)
With Added Color Enhancers

In the late spring when the warmer temperatures arrive, koi and goldfish need a boost of protein for growth since they depleted their fat reserves over the winter. In the fall a higher protein diet is also required since pond fish need to bulk up in preparation for their winter fast. Use this feed at a minimum temperature of 68°F (20°C). Pond fish really start to grow at this temperature. You can use this feed up to four times per day. Feed between 2% - 3% of the fishes' body weight per day.

  • Pellet size 0.4–0.5 cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.) Copper (min.)
40%7%4%8%8%1.3%7 mg/kg

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Montmorillonite Clay, Fish Oil (anti-caking agent), Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-axcorbyl-2-polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift High Growth & Energy - Floating

Microbe-Lift High Growth & Energy - Floating

  SKU Size
12 Ounces
2 lbs 4 oz
5 lbs 4 oz
14 lbs 8 oz
40 lbs (bag)
For fish 4" and under.

Mini Pellets were developed so that small fish have a high quality balanced diet food available to them. Recommended for fish 4" and smaller, this diet contains stabilized vitamin C to help promote proper tissue development.

  • Pellet size 0.3–0.4 cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.) Copper (min.)
36%5%4.5%8%8%1%7 mg/kg

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Fish Oil, Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-ascorbyl-2- polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Dry Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Dry Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift Mini Pellets - Floating

Microbe-Lift Mini Pellets - Floating

  SKU Size
12 Ounces
2 lbs. 4 Ounces
6 lbs
17 lbs
40 lbs (bag)

Sinking Pellets with Color Enhancer

MICROBE-LIFT/LEGACY Sinking (transitional) Pellets are a great way to make sure your newly added pond fish receive balanced meals while adjusting to their new surroundings. Generally, new fish are “shy” until they become more familiar with their surroundings and new neighbors. Additionally, MICROBE-LIFT/LEGACY Sinking Food Pellets are great for stressed or sick fish that don’t come to the pond’s surface and feed off the bottom of the pond.

In order to pass inspection, your Sinking Food needs to have 70% sink. And your Floating food must have 70% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that don't sink or float. 

  • Pellet size 0.3–0.4 cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.) Copper (min.)
36%6%5%8%9%1.3%7 mg/kg

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Fish Oil, Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-axcorbyl-2-polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Dry Bacillus lichenformis fermentation product, Dry Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

Microbe-Lift (Summer Staple) - Sinking

Microbe-Lift (Summer Staple) - Sinking

  SKU Size
14 Ounces
3 lbs
5 lbs. 12 Ounces
18 lbs 8 oz
40 lbs (bag)
Floating & Sinking Pellets with Added Color Enhancers

As the warmer weather sets in, begin increasing the frequency and quantity of your feeding. The Summer Staple Food has animal protein and color enhancers that are needed during this season. The added color enhancers are made up of astaxanthin (crab shell), spirulina and krill, which all promote brilliant color development.

  • When Your Bigger Fish Deserve the Very Best!
  • Contains Stabilized Vitamin C
  • Will Not Cloud Water
  • Pellet size 0.7–1.1 cm
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min.)Crude Fat (min.) Crude Fiber (max.)Moisture (max.)Ash (max.)Phosphorus (min.) Copper (min.)
36%6%5%8%9%1.3%7 mg/kg

Fish Meal, Whole Wheat, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Wheat Middlings, Fish Oil, Brewers Dried Yeast, Dicalcium Phosphate, Spinach, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate, Spirulina, Betaine anhydrous, Salt, Choline Chloride, Chromium Oxide, Ethoxyquin (preservative), Astaxanthin (color), Dry Bacillus Lichenformis fermentation product, Dry Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, Vitamin E supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Vitamin D3 supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin A supplement, Vitamin B12 supplement

This floating food must have 70-80% floating to pass inspection. This is not a bad thing because there are always fish in the pond that can't compete with the others and will benefit from the pellets that sink.

Microbe-Lift Big Bites Summer Staple Food

Microbe-Lift Big Bites Summer Staple Food

  SKU Size
2 lbs. 12 Ounces
6 lbs
16 lbs. 12 Ounces
40 lbs (bag)

Compare to AlgaeFix, same active ingredient and 20% more concentrated.

Algaecide For Ponds - Stops Algae Growth & Controls string algae!

No more green water with ALGAWAY 5.4 Algaecide!

It stops algae growth in ponds and can be applied to areas that contain fish and plants!

For use in self-contained ornamental ponds and fountains without any outflow. For small ponds with heavy algae growth, clean the excess algae off the sides and ornaments before adding ALGAWAY 5.4 . This will reduce the amount of decaying organic matter.

Fountains, Small Ponds with goldfish and koi - Treat only those fountains and ponds which will have no outflow after treatment. High water temperatures cause more rapid natural decay of dead algae which can cause fish distress. If animals are present clean out excess algae as stated above or use before temperature exceeds 75°F (24°C).

CAUTIONS: In ponds, insure that water is well aerated via waterfall, fountain or other method to prevent fish loss. Aeration must be continuous. Not safe for use with snails, shrimp and other crustaceans or mollusks.

Repeat dosage once per week.

Microbe-Lift Algaway Application Rates
Volume of water to treat (gallons) Dosage
360 gallons1 oz
Microbe-Lift Algaway 5.4 Algaecide

Microbe-Lift Algaway 5.4 Algaecide

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 oz
2,839 gallons

The Ultimate in Water Conditioning will instantly dechlorinate and detoxify your pond water! Super Dechlorinator + Water Conditioner will remove and neutralize chlorine, destroy chloramines, detoxify heavy metals.

  • Highly Concentrated removes Chlorine (up to 4mg/L total Chlorine)
  • Destroys chloramines
  • Detoxifies heavy metals
  • NEW - Formula Treats 4 X More Water!
Microbe-Lift Super Dechlorinator Plus Dosage
To condition water for new ponds - 1oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Before, after or during water additions - 1oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Before adding new aquatic or plant life - 1oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Super Dechlorinator Plus

Microbe-Lift Super Dechlorinator Plus

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
16,000 gallons
32 Ounces
32,000 gallons
1 gallon
128,000 gallons

Aqua Xtreme is a convenient liquid, single-phase, full-function water conditioner that has been scientifically formulated for use in koi and goldfish ponds. Product should be used when: conditioning new water for ponds; adding (or prior to adding) water, new fish or plants to ponds; and transporting koi or goldfish. It is very important to use Aqua Xtreme when adding water to a pond that contains chloramines. Conventional dechlorinators will detoxify the chlorine in the chloramines but do nothing to the ammonia released from the chloramines. Aqua Xtreme will detoxify both the chlorine and the ammonia in chloramines.

  • Detoxifies Nitrite
  • Removes & Detoxifies Chlorine & Ammonia
  • Destroys Chloramines
  • Detoxifies Copper & Heavy Metals
  • Boosts Alkalinity
  • Adds Essential Electrolytes
  • Adds a 3-part Slime Coat Replacement
  • Helps to Reduce Stress
  • Instantly Ages Pond Water
Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 60 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme Water Conditioner

Microbe-Lift Aqua Xtreme Water Conditioner

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
960 gallons
32 Ounces
1,920 gallons
1 gallon
7,680 gallons

Safely Lowers pH Levels

  • Formulated in de ionized water
  • Includes 2 pH decreasers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
  • Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish
  • Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality
  • Not harmful to fish or plants

Application: Test your pond water at the same time each day (dawn = lowest pH; dusk = highest pH) for a pH reading. If the pH is above 8.0, use Microbe-Lift pH Decrease. If your pond contains fish and/or plants, do not dramatically change the pH (more than .5 of a pH unit) in 24 hours, as this may shock the aquatic life and plants. Apply Microbe-Lift pH Decrease Plus in several steps and measure decreased pH before next addition. Repeat if/as necessary.

Microbe-Lift pH Decrease Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 600 gallons of water for every 0.1 pH unit decrease desired
Microbe-Lift pH Decrease

Microbe-Lift pH Decrease

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
9,600 gallons
32 Ounces
19,200 gallons
1 gallon
76,800 gallons

Safely Raises pH Levels

  • Formulated in de-ionized water
  • Includes 2 pH increasers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
  • Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish
  • Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality
  • Not harmful to fish or plants

Application: Test your pond water at the same time each day (dawn = lowest pH; dusk = highest pH) for a pH reading. If the pH is lower than 6.5, use Microbe-Lift pH Increase Plus. If your pond contains fish and/or plants, do not dramatically change the pH (more than .5 of a pH unit) in 24 hours, as this may shock the aquatic life and plants. Apply Microbe-Lift pH Increase Plus in several steps and measure increased pH before next addition. Repeat if/as necessary.

Microbe-Lift pH Increase Plus Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 600 gallons of water for every 0.1 pH unit increase desired
Microbe-Lift pH Increase

Microbe-Lift pH Increase

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
9,600 gallons
32 Ounces
19,200 gallons
1 gallon
76,800 gallons

Will help maintain a healthy pond environment and reduce the threat of parasitic disease in pond water.

Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals added to your pond water can be effective in helping to maintain a healthy fish environment and, in proper dosages, has proven to be helpful in reducing the threat of parasitic infestations in the pond.

Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals will temporarily block the toxic effects of nitrite, and by initiating the production of a thicker slime coat on the fish's body surface, helps to promote a stronger immune system and reduce stress.

Caution - Do not overdose. When adding salt to ponds that contain aquatic plants, be especially careful in monitoring salt concentration as salt can be a toxic effect on certain plants. Before adding salt to your pond, remove any zeolite products being used.

Directions - Salt will not evaporate from your pond. After testing your pond water with a hydrometer, you can add salt with your regular water changes. We recommend mixing salt and pond water in a bucket, and then spreading the slurry around the perimeter of your pond. Be careful to avoid direct contact with pond plants.

Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals Dosage
For Small Ponds: ½ (120g) per 10 gal. (38L) of pond water
For Large Ponds: 5 cups (1.13 kg) per 100 gal. (378L) of pond water
For Stress Reduction: Use Microbe-Lift Therapeutic Salt For Quarantine Tanks containing added electrolytes and Allantoin, which accelerates wound and fin healing.
Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals

Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals

  SKU Size
2.5 lbs
5 lbs
9 lbs
35 lbs
50 lbs

Essential for Nitrification

When pond carbonate levels fall below the necessary level, nitrification stops and will fail to start again. With the loss of KH (carbonate alkalinity) pH levels will vary and pH will be difficult to control as KH stabilizes pond pH.

Use for: tap water, tank water, change water

  • 2 lbs – approx 49 scoops
  • 8 lbs – approx 196 scoops
  • 20 lbs – approx 490 scoops
  • 50 lbs – approx 1225 scoops


To raise KH in 4,000 gal pond, wanting to keep the KH level above 80 ppm:

To raise by 25 ppm→ add 40 scoops

To raise by 50 ppm→ add 80 scoops

To raise by 80 ppm (in pond that has crashed)→ add 133 scoops

(Ideal KH level in a pond is 100-300 ppm, with the higher the better, especially in heavily stocked ponds and lined ponds)

Microbe-Lift KH-Carbonate Alkalinity Booster Dosage
A full flat level scoop (enclosed, holds 1 tbsp) will raise the KH by approximately:80/ppm in 30 gallons 50/ppm in 50 gallons 25/ppm in 100 gallons
Microbe-Lift KH-Carbonate Alkalinity Booster

Microbe-Lift KH-Carbonate Alkalinity Booster

  SKU Size
2 lbs
8 lbs
20 lbs
50 lbs

Break Down Unsightly Debris! Microbe-Lift Oxy Pond Cleaner will safely yet immediately breakdown accumulated debris from rocks, streams and on waterfalls. Microbe-Lift OPC, Oxy Pond Cleaner will safely spot-treat all areas of light-to-heavy accumulations of debris on rocks, waterfalls, streams, planters, etc. Microbe-Lift Oxy Pond Cleaner is 100% safe when used as directed.

  • Uses Oxygen Power to break down unsightly debris
  • Especially helpful on streams and waterfalls
  • Deep cleans planters and rocks
  • Helps to prevent pond odors
  • Oxidizes and Detoxifies

Directions: Microbe-Lift OPC, Oxy Pond Cleaner is not temperature sensitive but works best in warmer weather. To achieve the best results, manually clean out as much accumulated debris from the pond as possible and shut down waterfalls before cleaning. Do not dilute. To treat areas with debris build up, sprinkle over areas needing treatment. Make direct contact but avoid live plants where possible. To maintain a continued proper ecosystem in your pond, always add Microbe-Lift PL, or any bacterial/enzymatic treatment, 48 hours after using Microbe-Lift Oxy Pond Cleaner.

Before Use: Use Microbe-Lift Ammonia Test Strips to test for the presence of ammonia in your pond water. If ammonia levels are above 0.8mg/L, DO NOT apply Microbe-Lift OPC, Oxy Pond Cleaner until the ammonia level is brought down below 0.8mg/L. If ammonia levels exceed 1.0mg/L, add Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover.

After Use: Ammonia levels should be monitored for two days following applications of ANY/ALL oxygen release compounds as they can kill beneficial bacteria in a pond/lake resulting in an ammonia or nitrite spike. Use Microbe-Lift Ammonia Test Strips to test for the presence of ammonia. If your ammonia levels exceed 1.0mg/L., add Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover to reduce the ammonia level to 0.8mg/L or below.

Microbe-Lift Oxy Pond Cleaner Application Rates
Pond Size (gallons) Weekly Maintenance (No Existing Debris) Light Debris Accumulation Heavy Debris Accumulation
80 - 200 .75 oz. 1 oz. 1.5 oz.
201 - 500 1.5 oz. 2 oz. 3 oz.
501 - 1,000 4 oz. 6 oz. 8 oz.
1,001 - 1,500 6 oz. 8 oz. 12 oz.
1,501 - 2,500 8 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz.
Large Ponds & Lakes
Apply around perimeter of pond/lake as much as needed
Pond Cleaning/Non-Painted Surfaces
96 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. of surface area to be cleaned
Microbe-Lift OPC - Oxy Pond Cleaner

Microbe-Lift OPC - Oxy Pond Cleaner

  SKU Size
2 lbs

Eliminates Foam in Seconds!

Microbe-Lift Defoamer gets rid of unsightly foam fast, leaving pond water clean and clear. Persistent foaming can indicate a heavy concentration of undissolved organics. Partial water changes can improve water quality which will help reduce foaming.

  • Leaves pond and fountain water clean and clear
  • For ponds and fountains of all sizes
  • Safe for fish, plants, birds and aquatic life
Microbe-Lift Defoamer Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 500 gallons of water.If foaming persists 5 minutes after initial treatment, repeat dosage until foam is gone.
Microbe-Lift Defoamer

Microbe-Lift Defoamer

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
8,000 gallons
32 Ounces
16,000 gallons

Water Clarifier

A proprietary formulation (polymeric blend) used to coagulate suspended solids in the pond water. After use, particles in the water settle to the bottom of the pond and/or filter out through the filter system.

  • Clears cloudy water
  • Safe for aquatic life and plants
  • Attracts suspended particles
  • Improves filtration
Microbe-Lift Flocculant Plus Dosage
Pond Size (gallons) Dosage
Any Add 1 oz. per 1,000 gallons of cloudy water
After the milky-haze period, conditions should clear within 12 to 24 hours.
Dosage may be repeated if necessary.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Flocculant Plus

Microbe-Lift Flocculant Plus

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
16,000 gallons
32 Ounces
32,000 gallons
1 gallon
128,000 gallons

The Ultimate Phosphate Remover For Fresh Water

Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover is a polymeric blend with outstanding qualities, including the ability to tie-up large quantities of phosphate without negatively influencing the pond water in any way. Phosphate-caused by the decomposition of organic substances such as food surpluses, dead plant matter and excretion-is only harmless in concentrations below 0.3 ppm in fresh water.

  • Will not harm fish or plants
  • Safely removes phosphate from pond water
Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover Dosage
Add 1 oz. per 100 gallons of water
Depending on water quality, organics and fish waste content, the above dosage will remove 1 - 1.5 ppm of phosphate. If phosphate level is still high, repeat dose. In case of very high levels, several treatments may be required.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Pond Phosphate Remover

Microbe-Lift Pond Phosphate Remover

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,600 gallons
32 Ounces
3,200 gallons
1 gallon
12,800 gallons

Microbe-Lift Bio-Blue safely colors water a beautiful shade of blue while the enzymes help to create a healthy pond environment by digesting organic waste and reducing noxious odors. Will not stain birds or fish, and is safe for humans, plants and aquatic life. Blocks out specific light rays, and mixes completely in hours.

Microbe-Lift Bio-Blue Basic Application Rates
Pond Size (gallons) Dosage
250 1/2 oz.
500 1 oz.
1,000 2 oz.
1,001 + 2 oz. + 1oz. per additional 500 gallons
Microbe-Lift Bio-Blue Enzymes & Pond Colorant

Microbe-Lift Bio-Blue Enzymes & Pond Colorant

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
8 Ounces
4,000 gallons
16 Ounces
8,000 gallons
1 gallon
64,000 gallons
5 gallons
320,000 gallons

Chemical Algae Eliminator Formulated for Decorative Ponds & Fountains, Irrigation Ponds, Water Hazards & Retention Ponds

  • Eliminates most planktonic and filamentous algae quickly and efficiently and there's no phytotoxicity so water is safe for irrigation, turf and shrubs
  • Highly concentrated (60% active ingredient) E.P.A. registered algaecide
  • Keeps pond water clean and algae free
  • Eliminates plugging of irrigation lines and pumps

Do NOT use with fish

Not for sale, use or distribution in New York or California

E.P.A. Registration Number 1448-114-74466

Microbe-Lift AlgAway 60 Algaecide

Microbe-Lift AlgAway 60 Algaecide

  SKU Size
32 oz
Dechlorinator & Stress Reliever with Aloe Vera Reduces Stress - Aids in Fish Transport - Promotes Healing
  • Removes Chlorine (up to 3.75 mg/L total Chlorine)
  • Detoxifies free ions of heavy metals
  • Helps to reduce stress, heal wounds and bruises
  • Helps to restore protective slime coat
  • Provides essential electrolytes
  • Destroys Chloramines
  • Boosts Alkalinity

MICROBE-LIFT/Stress Relief is not a medication and should not be used as a substitute for any recommended medication. Aloe Vera has been proven to regenerate raw tissue, blood spots and help to replace damaged slime coats. When fish are transported and placed into new environments, stress is generally exhibited.

Also, use MICROBE-LIFT/Stress Relief any time fish are sick to accelerate the healing process.

Heavy metals in the pond water may be lethal to your fish. MICROBE-LIFT/Stress Relief helps to detoxify the free ions in zinc, copper and iron.

This product is intended for use with all pond, ornamental and aquarium fish and may not be used with fish intended for human consumption.

Microbe-Lift Stress Relief Dosage
To condition water for new pond - 1oz. per 60 gallons of water
Before, after or during water additions - 1oz. per 60 gallons of water
Before adding new aquatic or plant life - 1oz. per 60 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Stress Relief

Microbe-Lift Stress Relief

  SKU Size
16 Ounces
32 Ounces
1 gallon

Neutralizes Toxic Ammonia, Chloramine & Chlorine

  • Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover gives beneficial bacteria time to multiply and recover if the biological filter gets damaged, keeping pond fish from being stressed.
  • Every ounce removes 1.25 ppm of toxic ammonia in 360 gal. of pond water by forming an irreversible complex to reduce free ammonia to safe levels
  • May be used at startup, when making water changes, replacing lost water due to evaporation or when your pond is overstocked with too many fish
  • Neutralizes residual chlorine and destroys deadly chloramine
  • Treats ammonia burn in pond fish
  • Safe for use with all pond fish and aquatic life
Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover Dosage
Pond Size Dosage
Any Add 1 teaspoon per 60 gallons of water OR 1 oz. per 360 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover

Microbe-Lift Ammonia Remover

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
5,760 gallons
32 oz
11,520 gallons
1 gallon
46,080 gallons

MICROBE-LIFT/Dry Ammonia Remover uses a patented process that removes chlorine, destroys chloramines and completely eliminates the ammonia that is left behind when the chloramine bond is broken.

  • Ship live animals without toxic ammonia problems for 72+ hours
  • Can be combined with antibiotics and anesthetics
  • Completely safe for biofilters
  • Tested with shrimp, shellfish, aquatic invertebrates
  • 1 oz. will remove 1ppm of total ammonia, 3.2ppm chloramines and 2ppm chlorine
Microbe-Lift ClorAm-X Dosage
Dosage Treats
1 gram 8.3 gallons
1 ounce 235 gallons
100 grams 828 gallons
1 pound 3,760 gallons
1 kilogram 8,280 gallons
5 pounds 18,800 gallons
Microbe-Lift Dry Ammonia Remover/Cloram-X

Microbe-Lift Dry Ammonia Remover/Cloram-X

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb
3,760 gallons
5 lbs
18,800 gallons
10 lbs
37,600 gallons

Kills developing mosquitoes before they become breeding, biting adults including those that may transmit West Nile Virus, Equine Encephalitis and Heart Worm Disease (in dogs and cats). Safe for plants and fish.

Specially formulated for decorative water gardens, fountains & areas where standing water exists. Microbe-Lift BMC is a liquid product, so it has no adverse effect on the aesthetics of ponds and water features and can be applied to areas that can contain aquatic life, fish and plants. It can also be applied to areas used by or in contact with humans, animals, horses, livestock, pets, birds or wildlife. Also controls aquatic midge, black fly and fungus gnats.

  • Up to 14 days activity depending on application site
  • Disperses easily in water
  • No toxicity to fish or non-target invertebrates
  • Significantly lower potential for development of resistance in target insect populations than chemical larvicides such as methoprene
  • No adverse aesthetics to the pond and no organic or inorganic residues.
  • 3 year shelf-life @ 72 F
Microbe-Lift Liquid Mosquito Control Dosage
Use 2.5 mL per 1,000 gallons of water
Up to 14 days activity depending on application site
Microbe-Lift Liquid Mosquito Control

Microbe-Lift Liquid Mosquito Control

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
6 Ounces
A 2,500 gallon pond for 7 months
1 gallon
For lakes, golf course and park ponds

Formulated with Malachite Green & Formalin. Use for disease caused by Ichthyophithirius (Ich), Chilodonella, Costia, Oodinium, Trichodina and fungal infections.

Microbe-Lift BSDT is the #1 treatment when you do not know what is bugging your fish, a preeminent broad spectrum malachite green and formalin treatment. The only malachite green and formalin treatment that can be used in water temperatures as low as 50°F, thus allowing treatment in early Spring and late Fall. 

Malachite green and formalin are two drugs that are more effective and less toxic in combination than when used individually. This is the definition of synergism. What makes Microbe-Lift BSDT the preeminent product in this field is the fact that it is formulated with malachite green chloride, instead of the more toxic oxalate salt. As with any malachite green and formalin treatment, do NOT use with other medications. Not to be used with salt over 0.15% salinity; at 0.15% salinity, monitor carefully and provide high aeration.

Microbe-Lift Broad Spectrum Disease Dosage
Pond Size (gallons) Dosage
Any Add 3.5 oz. per 1,000 gallons of water
Prior to initial use and each of the 3 applications, at least a 20% water change should be made. A nearly total water change (>90%) will greatly improve effectiveness. Carbon Filtration must be removed and UV's turned off during treatment. You do not have to bypass your bio-filter. Do not overdose.
Treat once a day for 3 consecutive days. You do not need to do a water change after you finish the third treatment. After treatment, it is recommended to start using Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun and Parazoryne - this is a 10 day treatment to expel any parasites, bacteria, fungal, etc. and assists healing. 

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Broad Spectrum Disease Treatment

Microbe-Lift Broad Spectrum Disease Treatment

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
32 Ounces
9,600 gallons
1 gal
38,400 gallons

A unique, natural fish parasite repellant. Proven effective against bacterial dropsy, fungus and ulcers in fish. Expels pathogens from fish and stimulates its immune system response. Can speed up damaged tissue regeneration. Sabbactisun is made with plant and herbal extracts making it environmentally friendly. Supports immune system, driving off the excess parasites. Product is harmless to all nitrifying filter bacteria and aquatic plants.

  • 100% natural plant and herbal product
  • Non-toxic to animals and plants
  • Can be used during feeding
  • Does not adversely affect either nitrifying filter bacteria or beneficial bacteria 
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Sabbactisun and Parazoryne can be used 12 hours apart
Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun Dosage
Add 1 teaspoon per 125 gallons of water
Use daily for a minimum of 10 days. For best results, use when water temperature is at least 71°F (22°C)

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun

Microbe-Lift Sabbactisun

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,182 gal for 10 days
32 Ounces
2,365 gal for 10 days
1 Gal
9,462 gal for 10 days
2.5 Gal
23,654 gal for 10 days

A unique, natural parasite repellant. Proven to work against skin flukes, gill flukes, white spots, Oodinium, Costia, Chilodonella and Trichodina.

Made with plant and herbal extracts making it environmentally friendly. Supports immune system, driving off the excess parasites. Product is harmless to all nitrifying filter bacteria and aquatic plants.


  • 100% natural plant and herbal product
  • Completely safe to use
  • Nontoxic to animals and plants
  • Product can be used during feeding
  • Does not adversely affect either nitrifying filter bacteria or beneficial bacteria additives
  • No significant reduction in the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
Microbe-Lift All Parazoryne Concentrate Dosage
Add 1 teaspoon per 125 gallons of water
Use daily for a minimum of 10 days. For best results, use when water temperature is at least 71°F (22°C)

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Parazoryne

Microbe-Lift Parazoryne

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
1,182 gal for 10 days
32 Ounces
2,365 gal for 10 days
1 Gal
9,462 gal for 10 days
2.5 Gal
23,654 gal for 10 days
Treatment for lice and anchor worms

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm is the most effective treatment for diseases of fish caused by lice and anchor worms. When used as directed, it will not harm biological filtration and may be used on scaleless fish. Can be used in any water temperatures above 40º F. Should be stored in the original container above 40ºF and under 100ºF. Do not store in direct sunlight and do not allow to freeze.

This product is intended for use with all ornamental pond fish. Not for use with fish or aquatic invertebrates intended for human consumption. Not for human or veterinary use.

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm Dosage
Add 1 ounce per 300 gallons of water (1 time weekly for 3 weeks)
Prior to the initial use, a partial water change of 20% is recommended. This removes pollutants for disease-causing organisms and will reduce the number of water-borne pathogens.
For best results, perform three treatments one week apart with water changes prior to each re-treatment.

Contraindications: Safe for use on all ornamental pond fish, reptiles, amphibians and mollusks. Must NOT be used where crayfish and other crustaceans are being cultured. Keep out of reach of children. Shake well before use.

Cannot ship when temperatures are freezing

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm

Microbe-Lift Lice & Anchor Worm

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
16 Ounces
4,800 gallons
32 Ounces
9,600 gallons
1 gallon
38,400 gallons

Specially Formulated to Promote Pond Fish Health

Provides a natural pond eco-system, resulting in better overall fish health and improved water quality for use with all ornamental, coldwater, temperate, cyprinids, native and wild species. It is easier to prevent disease than cure it, and good water quality is a keystone for disease control.

  • Biologically supports the fish’s immune system
  • Reduces environmental stress
  • Promotes rapid fish growth
  • Beneficial when overpopulation exists
  • Compatible with all pond fish, wildlife and the other MICROBE-LIFT products
  • Safe for all animals in and around the pond
  • Nontoxic and nonpathogenic
  • MICROBE-LIFT/TheraP a natural bacteria; it is NOT a genetically engineered or altered bacteria

Microbe-Lift TheraP Basic Application Rates
Pond Size (gallons) 1st Application (purge) Next 4 Weeks (once per week) Maintenance (once per month)
80 - 250 8 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
251 - 500 10 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz.
501 - 1,000 14 oz. 5 oz. 5 oz.
1,001 - 1,500 18 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz.
1,501 - 2,500 24 oz. 8 oz. 8 oz.

Microbe-Lift TheraP

Microbe-Lift TheraP

  SKU Size
1 quart
1 gallon

Safely BUFFERS pH Levels & Prevents Wide pH Swings

  • Includes 2 pH buffers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
  • Provides necessary alkalinity for nitrification
  • Specially formulated to control fish toxicity which may arise from overdosing
  • Not harmful to fish or plants
Microbe-Lift 7.5 pH Buffer/Stabilizer Dosage
To Lower the pH and hold it at 7.5 Adjust the pH with Microbe-Lift pH Decrease. Add 4 level scoops of this buffer per 120 gallons of water
To Raise the pH and hold it at 7.5 Adjust the pH with Microbe-Lift pH Increase. Add 4 level scoops of this buffer per 120 gallons of water
Microbe-Lift 7.5 pH Buffer / Stabilizer

Microbe-Lift 7.5 pH Buffer / Stabilizer

  SKU Size Treats (up to)
1 lb.
800 gallons

It is said the secret to healthy, colorful, Japanese koi is the clay mud in which they are raised. MICROBE-LIFT/Calcium Montmorillonite Clay comes from one of the highest calcium clay deposits in the world. Calcium based clay may help your pond water to produce some of the healthiest and deep colored koi you’ve ever raised (or seen)! The koi’s markings will become brighter and more dominant.

Plastic pre-formed ponds, as well as vinyl, cement and rubber ponds, do not have any nutrients on their bottom. In the wild, carp use mud to get many of their micronutrients and minerals. MICROBE-LIFT/Calcium Montmorillonite Clay has a negative electric charge which will bind the clay particles to positively charged toxins in the water. MICROBE-LIFT/Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is not only a nutrient source for koi, it will also “polish” your pond water. The clay acts as a natural flocculent and the particles that are bound up are filtered out of the pond.

  • Provides fish nutrition through mineral ingestion
  • Improves fish color
  • Detoxifies and clarifies pond water (polishing)

Montmorillonite Clay Dosage
Pond Size (gallons)Maintenance
100 - 249 1 level teaspoon twice weekly
250 - 500 1 level tablespoon twice weekly
501 - 1,0002 level tablespoons twice weekly
Microbe-Lift Premium Montmorillonite Clay

Microbe-Lift Premium Montmorillonite Clay

  SKU Size
2 lbs
4 lbs
6 lbs
25 lbs
Universal Pond Supply
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